Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.1359300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There is a difference in taking out Iran and cleaning out Iran, or any other country. The plan is global housecleaning. Third party operators, their equipment, assets and ammunition, and dirty paid contractor leaders are the target. And they set up shop and assets in neighboring geographical areas so they can always attempt to regroup and continue.(Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Yemen. The politicalize the term regime change against US,/Trump/Mil. But really it's like what's happening in US– taking our country back, freedom. Think of cockroaches and nests. So if head cockroach bad guy gets his, all the better.


Qteam already knows their moves. Q, eyes on the exterminator. Notice his recent post:



…Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / Intel against THEM.


And that's exactly what we are seeing.

Promises kept. Plan proceeding.



Notice flag burning is contained in the "lawmaker's" chambers while the citizens tweet thank yous to US.


Russia is on the side of clean up. The Stupids Germany France HRC are really really stupid.


It's a good movie. There will be a standing ovation in the end.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.1359753   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The problem with all the Intel agencies, including MOSSAD is that they were created under the EYE for their own WW security services– to SERVE the EYE of the Illuminati, to serve Rothschilds. First formed under Russell Trust legal Corp Order of Skull & Bones and Wackenhut International Security Services, and all the rest, CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, MOSSAL, GCHQ, etc. Bloodline families controlled out of London. RothRockefeller++Before 1920s, 30s and after. They embedded in America in colonial times. Over 300,000 employees WW in the 90s.

EYE Intel community. Even secret Aussie bases. Always controlled the secret tech. for ffs. So major problem. They are embedded. Ex: archived files of GCHQ state Lenin planted MI6 agents in Russia during the Russian Revolution in 1917. Putin deals with embeds, double agents to this day.

If you really want to be informed, Research this: ABCA, TTCP, SDI, "Brilliant Eyes," BRUSA, UKUSA. Secret treaties and Agreements related to the Holden Agreement, 1942. Antarctica? Why is there a secret base, Northwest Cape, in the middle of the Bermuda triangle. Lots of IT techs suicides defense software. Look at newly released PDF GCHQ government files.

5 eyes my ass, more like 1000 eyes.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.1359981   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The paymasters are tied to the snake's head. And like Q informed us, the snake's bloodlines is what we fight as it pays it's puppets and gorges on the world citizen's money. SA strings cut. Ouchie. Iran nuke deal. Ouch. Follow the cut offs. Reflected in CEO resignations. And let's see how the EO asset grabs go. Q says good results.

Problem: they have breeding programs, no shit. The viper's eggs hatch. They need to be destroyed. So I think a MOAB on their Cloning shit is in order, (would be great if CERN accidentally blew up). Seriously. That, along with total decimation of their money system, allowing for zero recovery would cut the head off. Liquidating their bank and assets has to happen or they will stay alive to bite again. JP Morgan is one of their vehicles. There are soooo many who seek to do harm. The roth financed secret tech and internet companies are not safe for us. WWWeb? Space linked kill grid in your face, real time, is what I see that as.

So this will be a continuous battle. We can't go blind again. We have to teach our children, and our children's children.

Evil is real.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.1360098   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Like the saying goes, they ain't shit without their money. Funny thing is, as we know so well, bills will keep coming!

They can't be allowed to regroup. I'm hoping the EO list will prevent that. And I think we will see even more suicides than what we're very already witnessing.

How many Suicide Watch posts have we seen? And Names are slowly trickling out. Walk of shame is everywhere, everyday. Win.

I hope for fireworks. By the 4th of July would be such a sweet American pie.

Seth Rich. June.

We mustn't lose patience.

I won't be surprised if no name, #41 or HRC pass away. Soon.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.1360291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Back at ya. Evil is real, but we've become complacent about it. It is like an accepted behavior. Planned infiltration. HW, violence (many FF) weren't even real events. Real people didn't do most of it, and defects jumped on the bandwagon. Goal was to make it invasive fear, take guns, and to Desensitize. Dead consciousness. Saying evil is good. They changed our mind sets. Programmed it into social fabric.

George Soros evil pig needs to die soon too.


You get beat down if you call evil out. Trump has taken steps to reverse that. EOs on religious rights reinstated. Hopefully we will see a reversal of our moral decay.


Q says we have a choice to know. Many anons know 80, 90? I think we're way past 60.

Public has it reached 60? The Stupids are at 0, living in a lie. Alternative reality show.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.1363035   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Certainly not intended to offend you, and id says I'm not you for anyone with a brain. Thought back at you let you know. Kinda of sensitive?


Anonymous ID: ead917 May 10, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.1363252   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attention: This will be my new image:)

OR maybe the old lady???


can't decide…


Laughing is goooood for you

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 11, 2018, 9:04 a.m. No.1372013   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Ponder this.

This statement re Iran is very insightful.

This is why we are safer-

Because they plot (with evil) to destroy America. It'all about Death to America.

(with a big big thanks to Obama & gang)


RE: Iran's advanced weaponry:


"An inter-continental ballistic missile is not needed to blow up Jerusalem. It is needed to blow up New York."


John Hagee


(Christians United For Israel)

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 11, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.1372807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0578


Have you noticed us stupid sheep are always the last to know anything about "advanced technology?" We find out 40yrs later.


No doubt It's already a done deal. They've been testing, perfecting and gathering databases WW since the 1930s. Now they have manned AI working assigned tasks as we speak, have already rolled out a sales pitch, (SMART) and put PR in place to smooth any ripples and silence objectors.

Their MO : Control and keep technology from us, then leverage it against us in an evil form. [ Note 187 doctors, IT techs, scientists,Tesla, patent buys and manipulations, etc.] (their idea of management, along with the Clinton kill switch). [They specialize in kill switches].


The most troubling on the horizon, besides AI, is the microwave [kill box switch]. You know our DNA has a frequency, right? Even water cells. Wait, we are mostly water. hmm


Research the Aussie secret bases, Pine Gap EMP research since 1966 & especially the US Defense facility @ North West Cape directly in the middle of the Bermuda triangle and all the 187d IT techs between 1982-1987. Most of dead employed by GE or Marconi. You will recognize CIA hit jobs. It's all related to where we are today. Why? EMP is an electro magnetic wave, a microwave. Round off your education with Cymatics. If you Controll the electro magnetic fields, you Controll the earth. We are an electro magnetic field. We are wetware to them. And the earth… It takes hits too. Vibration machines. Why do they need vibration machines? Hmm. Isolated 80 foot wave? Earthquake? of FFs? This is the rest of the enemy exposed.


So yes, please please. We really do need low frequency wireless microwave antennas on every light post and utility pole bursting out RFR. And it could never ever hurt us.

Hmm [At the touch of a switch]?

Hmm [we are the receptors]?

And effects NOT tested. Sounds safe to me.


YES!! 5G and SMART phones and devices for everyone! Optimized execution!


After all, 5G is a whole lot faster with 1 millisecond delay. (4G has 50 millisecond delay, but who's counting).OBut, but that's their selling point…. soooo much faster.


Look into this and start raising shit.


They track ideologies MO (since the beginning.) They are thought police.

5G is for AI.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 11, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.1374648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4960 >>5428


What Q did for us is give us a voice.

We forgot how to fight, as evil overwhelms. He started the second American Revolution. All these anons made it happen. Too late? Not if we don't say so.


He showed us how- We just have to fight, fight and wake up people. Calls to Congress and our representatives seem to have profound effects, as do memes on twitter. Letters to White House? Letters to Trump? All helpful.


It's the anon rebels… They spread the word. Anons!! Don't stop. We've been hit with so many wakeup calls…


Q says

Remain BRAVE.


We fight.

Conspiracy no more.


I love Q

We deserve truth and accountability

From tech companies too.

I now Q is busy with all this shit, but I wish we could ask him about it. And

I still wonder if Trump has something up his sleeve with 5G? I hope so.

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 12, 2018, midnight No.1381603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thoughts on Sky Event that

Connect to recent posts, Q map, Q crumbs and anticipated justice phase. The "dots"


What have we been following?

Operation FREEDOM.


Things, the map, the targets, are coming to light. Exposure imminent. D5. Can't be stopped.


Justice phase.

indicating the hard part, the storm, is

coming to an end.


5 Eyes = Comms Intel

End = Sky Event(s)

That which Q posts most about

"We have it all"

"Follow the map"

43/map Q229 Nov. 25, 2017

What's on the map?

That which Q is loudest about

"no one gets a free pass"

"These people are evil"

What if they discussed… harming POTUS or his family?

What did the discuss…

In secret meetings…

Valerie, Obama, Brennan, Hillary, Billy, James, Holder, Rice, Clapper, Loretta, NO NAME, Adam, Nancy, Soros, SA, you in UK, France? All of you?

Q knows everything.

Conversations? D5.

Domestic AND foreign targets

What does Q posts in maps?

Target locations, [Satellite kill box coordinates] Comms Sat Intel

Amateur radio ham/VHF/UHF?


Tarmac Sky Harbor

SKY Event Hawaii

We have it all.

You have more than you know.

"LOC" = Maidenhead Locator System

Grid Map. UnLOC the map.

It's happening soon.


It's the missile , the Hawaii missile

When they tried to nuke Hawaii and blame NK. That's the D5

Anonymous ID: ead917 May 13, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.1398683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ever think this part is just another chess move? Trump and Qteam, moves countermoves already set? So they will let happen what needs to happen to achieve the goal. Operation FREEDOM. –WW.


Next consider who will have to fall? (all called out in the drops) and, nobody gets a free pass…


Because no way Trump will take steps or make decisions to go backwards against the plan. That being said, sanctions will stand until the last evil rat falls. I think that will also surely include the EU. (Merkel, Macron, Norway and Sewden's nazi best buddies organization).


How else can a lasting WW FREEDOM be achieved?


WW Brexit! Make it happen. Countries need their cultures and identities reinstated. They want border and security. EU, UN, puppet politician posers, their agents and agencies with Soros "ideologies" work against humans try to remove borders, because they want us dead or enslaved.


So, besides what Trump government can do, world citizens everywhere, will vote out evil. Still to come: WW economic stability & prosperity.


This is The Great Awakening.
