Anonymous ID: 8fada3 April 10, 2021, 4:35 p.m. No.13399681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741


No such thing, there is the prying open of eyes to the wastelands of their unconsciously lived lives.


The Deep Sweeties are looking for a digital currency they can tie to your ID, so they can turn off your access to life before you wake up.


Bitcoin isn't connected to an ID, nor is it tagged under your skin. It was made to survive the woes of internet stability. and it is one of your safest assets to guard against the hyperinflation upon us.


They will come out with other coins to serve their purposes - Bitcoin is out of their control.


Is Bitcoin tied to your ID? No.

Is Bitcoin tagged under your skin? No.

Now whine, whine, whine you capitulated bitches~


"WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet's nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.” - Satoshi Nakamoto Dec 10, 2010


If Hornet's nest = Clinton Foundation

Bitcoin is /ourcoin/


Do what you can to transfer your wealth from fiat to Physical Silver and Bitcoin.

Oz's and mBTC's

Hyperinflation is upon us.

Not financial advice. Friendly insight

Take your vitamin D, well above RDA levels. You know Sunlight's the best disinfectant~

Anonymous ID: 8fada3 April 10, 2021, 5:10 p.m. No.13399837   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think about it, really do.

Is there a team of disrupters?

Do they have objectives?

Is one objective to control the flow of information?

What position on our board controls the flow of information?

Is that position contested for?

Is that contention astroturfed drama, to keep others out?

Have they had the time to weasel their way in, and keep control?


Next objective: You.

Do they have a means to flood the board with a drumbeat of subliminals?

Do they make these positions of importance? (News flooder)

Do you consume what these social engineers produce?

Then they've got your Mind.

What you feel isn't organic.


If they control the flow of information, and they use that flow to feed you subliminal poison, you are the product of that poison.


Next questions:

Is that poison made for a specific reason?

Lets go through this, do you all know Media Matters CEO Angelo Carusone?

He has this very identifiable trademark of going after your support structure instead of you directly.

If instead of advertisers, we place the Bible, we can start figuring out what he would attack.

It's my suspicious that he has IDEN'd major sins and is using his agents here to deploy poison that erodes Gods support for you.

This wretched monster makes you think you've sinned out of Gods Forgiveness.

No worries fren, His Forgiveness is absolute and He knows well what this freak is doing.


It shows in the themes shills use.

Bestiality, gay marriage, anal rape, rejecting His Name.

Actually, that's the best recent example.

On sunday, April 4th, the bickering of the groundhog day team revolved around The Holy Name of Jesus. For brief periods of time, if you engaged or thought about it, you may have "rejected His name". Doesn't matter what side you picked, "No, it's … "

They got you, by taking part in their groundhog day bickering, to deny His Name, if only briefly.

They get off on that.

They insert wedges of doubt like that.


These people are sick.

His main targets are the Thought Leaders, of which I am one.

If he can't bring them down, he "peanut butters" their followers from them.

Which is why exbot does ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Which is why BO posted fred doing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as he got ousted during the propaganda piece's latest release.


It's to keep (You) from a Thought Leader.

To keep US from a higher coherency.

Anonymous ID: 8fada3 April 10, 2021, 5:14 p.m. No.13399866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9906

Free speech is the mechanism through which two people are reconciled by the Truth.

Spam is abusing that Right.


Not a very complicated plan:

Everything relatable to our movement is conflated with Shit and Death - Invoking a visceral withdraw from interacting with us.

Individuals are blamed for the stupor they have been raped into, by the clowns doing the rape - Invoking social break downs and isolation.

The boards drive is leached away by splitting hairs, and dragging red harrings around - Invoking confusion and billowing the clowns' fog-of-war.


Censorship is a lot more complicated than just deleting a post, or banning someone.


Censorship is that which stops you from having a genuine discourse with another.

What do the shills do?

Do they get under your skin?

Do they aid your own self censorship?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?


Our engagements here run deeper than surface words. Censorship has a wide spectrum of injection points to utilize. The main virus is often expressed through the subtext/subliminal layers, and it's there we find the meat of our delima. We're up against the very social engineers who raised us into slumber, insidious black hats who have no remorse and aren't holding back. There are phrases yet unmapped that trap our limbic systems into fear, and pictures of flowers with shit and gore at 1% alpha.

This is what our enemy spams us with, ''to keep us censored.''

To keep our limbic systems locked in fear, physically unable to think beyond our danger.

So what you're saying, is that we really could express our genuine thoughts as we unknowingly consume this sewage infront of us, if we just ignored it well enough.

To which I'd reply, you're out of your God damned mind~

The Wall must be Built.

Clean out the Real Censors.

]Our Voice Unleashed[

Anonymous ID: 8fada3 April 10, 2021, 5:27 p.m. No.13399946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9962 >>0192

































Watch his style.

"Poison what we want to consume."


(~2 years ago:)

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…


Same poster?