Anonymous ID: b9ad6b April 10, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.13399689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9700 >>9716 >>9759 >>9915 >>9931 >>0114


April 10, 2021


Putin Authorizes Nuke Strikes As NATO Fractures And Biden Goes Bonkers


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


A brief in-depth new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reveals that according to the protocols established when President Putin held an “expanded meeting” with the Defence Ministry Board in December-2020, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has deployed troops of the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defence (RChBD) of the Land Forces to the military field hospitals being erected near the border with Ukraine—a war action necessitated due to President Putin authorizing the use of the nuclear armed Iskander ballistic missiles being presently deployed near the Ukraine border, and whose payloads contain thermonuclear warheads, electromagnetic pulse devices and fuel-air explosives.


An introduction into this conflict of nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation that should come as no surprise to the United States or its NATO allies, as President Putin has publically acknowledged that he authorized nuke strikes should they be needed when the socialist Obama-Biden regime destroyed Ukraine in 2014—and about which at the time saw President Putin stating the truth about Ukraine: “Formally, the opposition was primarily supported by Europeans, but we knew very well that the real puppeteers were our American partners and friends…It was them who helped prepare nationalists and combat troops”.


War actions by the Russian Federation authorized as legal under the conventions of the “International Law Of War”, as, on 24 March, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed into a force a declaration of war against the Russian Federation—that was followed by it being reported: “As part of his current Energizer bunny act, Zelensky made an extra eyebrow-raising move…This past Monday, he visited Qatar with a lofty delegation and clinched a raft of deals, not circumscribed to LNG but also including direct Kiev-Doha flights; Doha leasing or buying a Black Sea port; and strong “defense/military ties” – which could be a lovely euphemism for a possible transfer of jihadis from Libya and Syria to fight Russian infidels in Donbass…Right on cue, Zelensly meets Turkey’s Erdogan next Monday…Erdogan’s intel services run the jihadi proxies in Idlib, and dodgy Qatari funds are still part of the picture…Arguably, the Turks are already transferring those “moderate rebels” to Ukraine…Russian intel is meticulously monitoring all this activity”.


In the past 24-hours, the Turkish Foreign Ministry reported that two US warships would enter the Black Sea through the Bosporus Strait on 14 and 15 April and stay there until 4-5 May—a war move countered by the MoD moving naval assets from the Caspian Sea Fleet into the Black Sea—the saw President Putin underscoring the importance of Montreux Convention preservation to Turkish President Erdogan, which provides for free pass through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits only for trade ships and regulates the pass of non-Black Sea states’ military ships, seriously limiting their classes and displacement.


As to the logic of Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden deploying two US warships into the Black Sea remains a mystery to military experts the world over—most particularly because when the Obama-Biden regime sent the USS Donald Cook into the Black Sea on 12 April 2014 in a silly attempt to intimidate the Russian Federation, it saw this advanced US warship being quickly disabled and left dead in the water after it encountered Russian special electronic weapons.