Anonymous ID: af94c1 April 10, 2021, 8:41 p.m. No.13401066   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Because they emit strong emotions and feelings of belonging.

If I wasn't busy being tortured by the perpetual continuity of a criminally negligent government far beyond over-stepping their bounds to permanently fuck over my entire "life"..,

I might actually get around to finally making the Dr. Evil version of this one that I never finish because the belligerent occupation of what would otherwise be the government decided to interrupt my torture to add several levels of additional torture, just to try to see if I will kill myself so I stop making these Cheshire Pepe memes…

I gotta say, it's tempting at times, very tempting at others.

But then again, there will always be the desire to fuck up their plans, however we cans, at that is the passion which drives the primordial chaos

Please, make it stop… The torture, that is

Anonymous ID: af94c1 April 10, 2021, 9:07 p.m. No.13401176   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Thank you again for the advice.

Did you try to take the pots, yet?

That always helps make everything better!

Unless, of course, your criminally negligent government is STILL trying to "rehabilitate" you for your medicinal use of cannabis, even though that same belligerent occupation of what would otherwise comprise of my government has been collecting money to "regulate" the "medical" ""marijuana"" industry for over a dozen years now. Yet, SOMEHOW, still have yet to recognize the factual basis as to why cannabis IS the most unique form of medicine, which was gifted unto us, by none other than our Creator, "Nature's God".

Not only the criminally negligent belligerent occupants of what would otherwise have comprised of my government, but the ENTIRE medical malpractice of the "medicinal" industry, but also the ENTIRE MOTHER FUCK-ING fake news media, ALL of these MOTHER FUCK-ERS are GUILTY AF of not only torturing the shit out of me, but abusing TF out of every last citizen of Earth, and possibly beyond.


Anyway, the point is, organic compounds, called "cannabinoids", found naturally in cannabis, are designed to function with the receptors in the body's Endocannabinoid System. Or perhaps it's the other way around, but moar likely both, at the same time, because Nature is dope like that, and the Creator is Alive in the Force! All creatures of Earth have an Endocannabinoid System, regardless if they use cannabis. Funny how that works, huh? Not really, if you know moar intimate details. There is valid reasoning behind why such a thing would be true. It is not because plants "evolved" into creatures. We live in harmony together. At least we used to before everyone started fucking shit up…

It's all fucked up, now. Cannabis can't fix it all, because we clearly have way too many problems. But as of now.., I'm not sure whether it's my best friend, or my only friend.

Please.., someone make them stop torturing me, while they pretend like their shit is fucking "for my own good"…