Anonymous ID: 9ce976 April 11, 2021, 12:17 a.m. No.13401832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1850



NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements

#16975Last Call…

>>13401535, >>13401560 PF Reports

>>13401770 Call it Trumpcine': Former President continues to claim credit for COVID shot and slams Pence for lacking 'courage' to back him over election fraud claims as he speaks at GOP fundraiser vowing to help take back the House in 2022 (Daily Mail UK)

>>13401730 What If We Didn't? ilDonaldoTrumpo: "What if we tell the libs a mega volcanoe has erupted en el yellowstone, y we tell them the whole country will be covered in lava, and that only those vaccinated are allowed to leave el country immediately? They go backo to Libturdistan and we live happily ever after!" (Twitter)

>>13401668 "Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden" (Needs Sauce)

>>13401594 "Very interesting conversation. George Gammon is suing the Fed. Starts around 1:00 hour in about Lawsuit."

>>13401592 Rebel Media… Controlled opposition?

>>13401590 Trust Fund Brats from the ‘Truth Farm’ installation near Trump Winery hopes to spark broader conversations about immigration

>>13401565, >>13401569 Still Winning, 15 Articles on current sex offenders 4th-10th of April Sex Predator Roundup

>>13401559 COVID-21 and the Harris Admin to deal with, and a hot war between Taiwan and China according to Gen. Flynn in this video (Twitter)

>>13401557 STS-1 finally Launched on 12 APR 1981, 40 years ago.

>>13401528 Everything the CCP didn't want you to know about the China Virus.

>>13401486 45\19 Relaxing with Family recently

>>13401463 Buttigieg: 'There is racism physically built into' highways (The Conservative Review)

>>13401451, >>13401499, >>13401509, Dan Scavino Retweeted Mar 10 He pressed the red button…. Warning sign #TDS Warning Exploding head (Cap 0:31) featuring Catturd

>>13401445 "MKResearch" - Are You Sure you are Thinking what you are thinking… and are you sure whether or not you are yourself thinking? Be Aware Think for yourself. (Youtube)

>>13401442 FAKE NEWS on Fake Toxic Masculinity is literally infecting people with covid? (MSNPC)

>>13401425 Elon warned us, It's anons caught between two battling supercomputers. US & China

>>13401423, >>13401479, CNN: "WWG1WGA" (CNN)

>>13401422 Army Office Sues Police for Pepper-Spraying him drawing guns during traffic stop. (The Hill, Twitter)

>>13401415 White House blames 'error' after Biden campaign fundraising page linked on .gov website

>>13401409, >>13401415, >>13401451 Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

>>13401402 Late Prince Phillip Wake Updates (Daily Mail UK)

>>13401392, >>13401428 Strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

>>13401390 Through The Looking Glass? (The Living Moon)

>>13401385 Most Recent Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense (Youtube)

>>13401359, >>13401788 You do not simply challenge the pillow man.. Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow. (Twitter)

>>13401358, >>13401440, Comey knows about the FBI harassing and illegally surveilling MLK jr. and pinning his murder on James Earl Ray Part 1

Anonymous ID: 9ce976 April 11, 2021, 12:17 a.m. No.13401835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1850

Part 2

>>13401351 Lin Wood Fireside Chat #18 | General Flynn Endorses John Bennett for OK GOP Chair. (Rumble)

>>13401338 How the fuck are all these perverts getting around our children? "MASSIVE Child sex ring busted at state youth facility hundreds of kids tortured and raped!" (The Daily Coin)

>>13401334 Lin Wood How did it happen that federal judges across the country ALL found erroneous “procedural” excuses to avoid reviewing the evidence of fraud in the November 2020 "Take a listen to what is going on in Florida courts. Connect the dots". (Telegram)

>>13401312 Comfy Shift Engaged for next 3-5 Hours. Be safe out there!

>>13401303 Ukrainian in Florida Double Homicide on the run back home? (Patriot)

>>13401302, >>13401304, >>13401326, >>13401335, >>13401357, >>13401387, >>13401391, >>13401320 That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

>>13401266 Gary McKinnon on US Secret Space Program and US Space Fleet and how he hacked NASA (Youtube)

>>13401264 You weren't made to fit in, you were born to Stand Out (2:22 mins\Youtube)

>>13401240, >>13401252, >>13401416, >>13401442, >>13401528 "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

>>13401238, >>13401246, >>13401306, >>13401337 Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

>>13401211, >>13401239, >>13401348, >>13401361, >>13401350, >>13401271, >>13401282, >>13401275, >>13401301, >>13401325, >>13401358, >>13401395, >>13401399, >>13401418, >>13401425, >>13401557, >>13401563, Remember This? (Various)

>>13401204 Anon Opines on "60 Seconds, Formerly 60 Minutes of Truth." (Opinion)



Here's what I got myself after editing anything you have in

Anonymous ID: 9ce976 April 11, 2021, 1:08 a.m. No.13401957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1971


>When you follow an ideology in which whenever any person/idea/information that doesn't fit your framework for the world is experienced you dismiss it immediately as part of an evil conspiracy fighting against you, you live in a cult


What about when the framework of a world is actually a conspiracy against you and the world is trying to convince you otherwise? What is that called?

Anonymous ID: 9ce976 April 11, 2021, 1:09 a.m. No.13401963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1980 >>1983



NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13401535, >>13401560 PF Reports

>>13401953 Coup D'état (1 minute summary)

>>13401775, >>13401946 PRINCE CHARLES // "UNICORN" Unicorn Day was 2 days ago…


>>13401770 Call it Trumpcine': Former President continues to claim credit for COVID shot and slams Pence for lacking 'courage' to back him over election fraud claims as he speaks at GOP fundraiser vowing to help take back the House in 2022 (Daily Mail UK)

>>13401730 What If We Didn't? ilDonaldoTrumpo: "What if we tell the libs a mega volcanoe has erupted en el yellowstone, y we tell them the whole country will be covered in lava, and that only those vaccinated are allowed to leave el country immediately? They go backo to Libturdistan and we live happily ever after!" (Twitter)

>>13401668 "Sidney Powell Goes Off on Imposter President Joe Biden" (Needs Sauce)

>>13401594 "Very interesting conversation. George Gammon is suing the Fed. Starts around 1:00 hour in about Lawsuit."

>>13401592 Rebel Media… Controlled opposition?

>>13401590 Trust Fund Brats from the ‘Truth Farm’ installation near Trump Winery hopes to spark broader conversations about immigration

>>13401565, >>13401569 Still Winning, 15 Articles on current sex offenders 4th-10th of April Sex Predator Roundup

>>13401559 COVID-21 and the Harris Admin to deal with, and a hot war between Taiwan and China according to Gen. Flynn in this video (Twitter)

>>13401557 STS-1 finally Launched on 12 APR 1981, 40 years ago.

>>13401528 Everything the CCP didn't want you to know about the China Virus.

>>13401486 45\19 Relaxing with Family recently

>>13401463 Buttigieg: 'There is racism physically built into' highways (The Conservative Review)

>>13401451, >>13401499, >>13401509, Dan Scavino Retweeted Mar 10 He pressed the red button…. Warning sign #TDS Warning Exploding head (Cap 0:31) featuring Catturd

>>13401445 "MKResearch" - Are You Sure you are Thinking what you are thinking… and are you sure whether or not you are yourself thinking? Be Aware Think for yourself. (Youtube)


Anonymous ID: 9ce976 April 11, 2021, 1:09 a.m. No.13401965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1980 >>1983

#16975 Part 2

>>13401442 FAKE NEWS on Fake Toxic Masculinity is literally infecting people with covid? (MSNPC)

>>13401425 Elon warned us, It's anons caught between two battling supercomputers. US & China

>>13401423, >>13401479, CNN: "WWG1WGA" (CNN)

>>13401422 Army Office Sues Police for Pepper-Spraying him drawing guns during traffic stop. (The Hill, Twitter)

>>13401415 White House blames 'error' after Biden campaign fundraising page linked on .gov website

>>13401409, >>13401415, >>13401451 Dan Scavino: If this was the Trump White House, Dems would be calling for immediate investigations while the @OfficeGovEthics would be writing their fancy bull shit threatening letters to whom ever was being targeted. Total JOKE! + Related Article& Another Red Button? (Twitter)

>>13401402 Late Prince Phillip Wake Updates (Daily Mail UK)

>>13401392, >>13401428 Strangeness at WH. A bright flash every 30 minutes or so.

>>13401390 Through The Looking Glass? (The Living Moon)

>>13401385 Most Recent Rudy Giuliani's Common Sense (Youtube)

>>13401359, >>13401788 You do not simply challenge the pillow man.. Effective immediately, I have resigned and released all shares, any ownership and any control of Good Pillow LLC. I want to thank Will for his partnership and wish him absolutely nothing but success with the future of Good Pillow. (Twitter)

>>13401358, >>13401440, Comey knows about the FBI harassing and illegally surveilling MLK jr. and pinning his murder on James Earl Ray

>>13401351 Lin Wood Fireside Chat #18 | General Flynn Endorses John Bennett for OK GOP Chair. (Rumble)

>>13401338 How the fuck are all these perverts getting around our children? "MASSIVE Child sex ring busted at state youth facility hundreds of kids tortured and raped!" (The Daily Coin)

>>13401334 Lin Wood How did it happen that federal judges across the country ALL found erroneous “procedural” excuses to avoid reviewing the evidence of fraud in the November 2020 "Take a listen to what is going on in Florida courts. Connect the dots". (Telegram)

>>13401312 Comfy Shift Engaged for next 3-5 Hours. Be safe out there!

>>13401303 Ukrainian in Florida Double Homicide on the run back home? (Patriot)

>>13401302, >>13401304, >>13401326, >>13401335, >>13401357, >>13401387, >>13401391, >>13401320 That Scavino iDonaldo Trumpo golf video still has me kekking.

>>13401266 Gary McKinnon on US Secret Space Program and US Space Fleet and how he hacked NASA (Youtube)

>>13401264 You weren't made to fit in, you were born to Stand Out (2:22 mins\Youtube)

>>13401240, >>13401252, >>13401416, >>13401442, >>13401528 "COVID Conspiracy Theories" (Opinion&Report)

>>13401238, >>13401246, >>13401306, >>13401337 Video shows lightning torch tree outside Wisconsin school (NyPo)

>>13401211, >>13401239, >>13401348, >>13401361, >>13401350, >>13401271, >>13401282, >>13401275, >>13401301, >>13401325, >>13401358, >>13401395, >>13401399, >>13401418, >>13401425, >>13401557, >>13401563, Remember This? (Various)

>>13401204 Anon Opines on "60 Seconds, Formerly 60 Minutes of Truth." (Opinion)
