"Wait and see what happens"
Yeah, because it was always discussed privately, until all the multinational oligarchs were on board w/Schwabs WEF plan of ww takeover, 'Great Reset', one only examine their insane behavior.
In their egocentric mindset (((they))) believe they're far above the sheep (who can't run their own lives) in intellect/knowledge and wisdom, but in reality are dumb as a sack of rocks when it comes to economics, culture (countries individual sovereign) and society in general and haven't learned anything about human nature.
The good news, it will fail, the bad news they've already created devastating economic damage using their CV-19 medical tyranny mechanism to 'force' the world to 'obey'. How many of the innocent will die, they don't give a shit bc many are heavily into population control/eugenics, the less people the easier to rule over.
These academics and multinational oligarchs are educated beyond their own intelligence and in thinking they're saving the world from their ideologic fraud of 'global warming' are really destroying humanity.
Their crimes against humanity are so fucking obvious.