Anonymous ID: 746185 April 11, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13404359   🗄️.is 🔗kun




As a token of my gratitude, I present to (You) a Text-to-Speech Version of ALL 4953 Drops of Q, in order, with abbreviations added in context.


It's only available for the next 90 days, since this is on a free account, and the mp3 is over 1GB.


This is a great resource to re_read drops, especially while relaxing, enjoying the show, digging, memeing, etc…


Thank you to all of the anons who make this place, everything to me. Besides SHEILD, of course. kek





Anonymous ID: 746185 April 11, 2021, 3:14 p.m. No.13405082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5087


>When authentic anon takes control of the baker seat, the tactic shifts. Can you tell?


Look, NO DEALS amirite? Of course I am, you fucking ditz, kek



Cuntsidering the fact that most of (You) aren't really capable of anything "illegal,"

despite the fact that's never fucking stopped anyone before,

to do whatever it is they've got to do...,

I don't see how it could be of any real collective loss,

for the desired and perceptibly accomplished precursor tasks to be allowed to go forth into fruition.


For those whom lack the ability to catch my drift.



my ASS stupid motherfucker...kek/muhSENSEOFWELLBEING/muhHEARTFELTFREQS/muhGOALS!**


You want a baker?

You want a digger?

You want a memer?

You want an artfag?

You want someone who's always going to be here, past the end?

You know, when everyone who's too cool to stay to this point,

because they have to go be cool while enjoying the Great Awakening we've all fought for,

while gnashing of TEETH,



You want my inner sanctum's nectar for inexpressible reasons,

that either teeter on the EDGE of CLASSIFIED but irrevocably benevolent,

and TOTALLY malevolent and selfish in nature,

void of any goodness whatsoever.


Let me be frank, buckle up free speech,

because we're about to go KuKu for KunKun8's.

I'm aroused, why?


I feel an overwhelming urge to do something that goes against my own free will.

I sense the desire to make me do something that you seem to need in a way that isn't explained in it's merit.

If I knew why it wants me to, I'd be more inclined to figure out why it couldn't have just been explained sooner.

This is clearly the reason as to my reluctance, because there should be absolutely no reason why it cannot be shared to define plausibility.

Anonymous ID: 746185 April 11, 2021, 3:15 p.m. No.13405087   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here is a list of possible reasons (obfuscated purposefully):

  • Generate FutureProvesPastSelf for REDACTED

  • Protect Artificial REDCATED to PRESERVE Actual REDACTED

  • FastTrack heal someone of immense and totally non-related biological factors to me. Only SHEILD - the specific person I hold in my heart so dearly, not the psyop, the REAL woman.

  • US is. just the [TWO of [US]] No copy overrides, overwrites, fusions, synchros, clones, FAKE PEOPLE, avatars, dopplegangers, look-a-likes,

digital AI representations in an AR/VR simulation, light refracting/bending/auditory/scalar/EMF/MASER/LASER speaker/voice coil based/nanowoven vibrational negation suits,

or 'fake demons' AI/puppet/cosplay AYLMAO that aren't really demons but are made to look as such in order to escape accountability,

responsibility, authenticity, identity so as to avoid a blemish on their pristine record, embaraasment, public scrutiny, the scoffing of slimy peers.

  • PSYOP concocted and poorly implemented in order to distort and smear the image of a non-toxic, loving, generous, benevolent, investigative, vigilant, knowledge sharing,

skill offering, quality time spending, 'volcel,' GoldenPepeChad, Qermit of the QrabEyes, fun-loving, neverquitting, ultra-light grey hat touting,

hyper-sexualized HYPNO/GOONER/EMASCULINATION porn 'researching,'mommy-basement-dwelling, desperado & obsessed male lesbian.

  • Because someone is mistakenly being presented as a transexual in order to create a diversionary PSYOP of being able to still start a family, using an EX, due to trust concerns,

as a surrogate, because either, my soul mate is a:

  • cyborg/android

  • Lelu Dallas MultiPass 5th Element Regen Babe from the Future that was snuffed out based on the same ENVY and JEALOUSY that caused this 'private' investigation to occur a priori.

  • Hollywood generated tranny that despite being totally female, left their male genetalia as means of NDA bait switching for STRAIGHT GUYS LOVE TRANNYS, BUT WHY WOMEN?

  • BECAUSE WE WANT TO COME OFF AS SUPERIOR TO BOTH MEN AND TRANS, while realizing the truth that trannies somehow figured out how to do US, better than we can,

which is why we've allied with the male gays for so long, unnoticed as to why, forgetting that the same gays could be the reason we're always being sabotaged

  • an inquisitive and nosey super babe justs wants to be able to scope out, her soulmate, but just incase he's too fucked up to be with, she doesn't want to have to find out later on,

in the relationship, that it's post FUBAR for her to just ignore or worse, have to ACTUALLY deal with, despite having an equal to or more of an amount of issues herself.

So, be confident in your manhood, pussy, or I'll write you off as the TRUE FAGGOT that you are!

  • Pretending to be my SIS, in order to make me come off as incestual freakizoid, while in fact, they are the ones looking to fulfill a brother/sister erotic roleplay fantasy that she always wanted to

explore, but was always afraid to bring it up, among MANY other sexual/kinky/reasonably within the ballpark of fun and intense ways to enjoy each other both physically and spiritually, and may

once in a blue moon, go a little into the shadowy side of things, as a means to remind us both, why, we only do that once in a while… it's too much, even for us.

  • Is ashamed of being looked at as some 'cougar' who scavenges faggy sissy beta boys for cumcam exploitation and social network lolcowwing for her empowered female faggot grllfrans.

  • Caught that last one, and is now, realizing that sex, arousal, exchange of vital life force energies, enjoying each other in a kundalini tatra sort of way… whatever! Holy FUCK ME ALREADY!


Guys… Fems…




If you let me be as me, without deterring or anti-anticipated in an optimistic and optimized fashion,

then I will go resident staff strictly BV note collector+ (bake in sessions of 2-3 at a time, as to let other bakers have a dedicated go.

Not to get all fucking mushy, but it's honor to be best at what I feel has given me the only sense of information-based coherence in almost '5' years.

These people are sick, so am I, it varies(d) in severity as time has gone/goes on. So high in frequency when it contrasts in the amplitude of it's severity


tl;dr - What's the password? Do you sweat me? Am I frozen enough for ya? What the fuck is a MIGTOWEL? Why is it wet, yet?

Then I'll start to say something that sounds like something you'd really wsjkadfhsdakjewh awfehwekfjhasfkdjh.

-feel that?- -that's… uh, yeah- yeah I'm, lol, I mean kek–


tits or gtfo? plez? I show you my winky

