Anonymous ID: 83273e April 11, 2021, 5:12 p.m. No.13405718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5885



Trump rally enthusiasm and attendance squares with real election day voting and forced dems/cabal go to absurd measures to get Bidan in.


Idea was to gaslight the peeps with the idea that Bidan was America's choice in policy going forward.


Jan 6 rally proved Trump's drawing power, even after MSM campaign to show that there was no election fraud and Trump was just a sore loser. Secondly, it showed MAGA that dem/cabal/MSM will try to turn any MAGA gathering into an insurrection attempt, so best strategy long term is to lay low until the time is right.


Dems now have to attempt to provoke a MAGA uprising, but, in so doing push undecided, or otherwise disinterested politically parties into sympathy with MAGA. Pic related.


Trump support is generally impenetrable and surrounds the dems ideologically, except for the radical left vector. Dems have to attack ideologically out of that into a narrow corridor and hope to draw a MAGA response that will weaken MAGA's presence in other ideological areas. For example, creating the white supremacist/asian divide will, hopefully, peel off center left Trump sympathizers.


They're in an untenable position, defending an ideology that traditional Americans, and those that chose to migrate to the American ideal legally, oppose. They'll be pinched off when the time is right.


When the Bidan normal becomes unbearable for normies, and the revelation is presented that they had to cheat to get themselves into the position to affect normal in the first place, any sympathy for Bidan and the rioters who protest his removal will be limited.


If it takes martial law to clean the Bidan shit up, so be it.