The Salt must Flow…
MI, you mean the US Branch of Mossad?
Gotta admire the Dems “Win at any cost” attitude. Republicans are paid to lose. Patriots paralyzed by fear of police and media coverage. We need some loose canons to shake things up!
It’s all part of the Plan.
Don’t fight it, just let it happen.
How about the Cops take a month off nationwide and let Patriots sort it all out? Bootlicking Hollywood wanna-be Hero-Cops are Oathbreakers.
Anti-Trump Bitch is singing a different tune now she sees what’s coming.
I am in the AO of the Stones. As soon as the Cops fuck off and die in a fire that thing is going down.
o7 Hell-yes.
We should have never outsourced community policing/safety to a protected class of shit-heels. It is the job of every grown man to keep his AO safe and dead-beat free. It’s not like we have a scumbag Underpopulation Problem now is it?
Comms/Radio Silent during Ops. They checked in two-breads ago on the down low. You’d know if you had a room temp IQ.
Did DMX ride BMX?
Corporate CEO and Board Members
They fucking better well should have. A 12:00.00 post “high noon” and then a 12:12:12 post “have a nice Sunday Anons”.
Frosty as fuck.
Ya, I feel ya. I scrolled back up to see the others too. Maybe that fucker Hot-wheels clowning around…but fuck it, I’m gunna believe it was a no trips Q checking in.
Robin Hood. Live in the forest and rob the king’s men and supply trains. Huzzah!
When I got some 20 years ago it went sideways instead of North/South. Noice.
Atomic causality.
Dang. There goes the Planet.
Won’t take Martial Law to clean it up. Just have the MIL stand down the Police and let MAGA Patriots take care of it. Somethings the old ways are the best ways.