Anonymous ID: e83c5c April 11, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.13405563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5597 >>5627 >>5652 >>5684 >>5714 >>5866

thoughts and strategy on memetic inoculation


l was thinking this morning on what our job is here. Q said to meme, pray, dig. One of our jobs is to provide memes for people who are unawake - it attacks their conditioning. I the same manner, one of the realizations I had is an effective way to do is is by weakening the constructs that are being pushed themselves.

Remember when everyone was saying stupid neet shit like "ePiC wiN" and other phrases, but then when too many people started saying those phrases, people began to use the terms to mock the users of said phrases as unaware and out of touch. This is the basic concept behind memetic inoculation. Leftists' main strategy is to affect the subject's feelings, and in doing so, gain control over them. So if we use the phrases or concepts that they use and poison the well, those concepts lose their efficacy and begin to actually work against whatever the meme is trying to accomplish.

So, here's a small list of topics we need to start ridiculing and breaking down as constructs:

  • "supremacy" in general, white or otherwise. If we start blaming things on frog supremacy or jewish supremacy or child supremacy or something that doesn't follow, we can break the reinforcement training that most people have, now even to the rebel flag or whatever

  • anything "black america" or "white america", anything that divides people by race or creed can be mocked as "hypen america". Think memes that talk about "as a hypen american, i know that my healthcare choices will pretend to pander to the color of my skin while robbing me blind", etc

  • don't call them vaccines, call them gene editing or Smug shots. Make fun of the people who can't wait to get them and the me-first behavior, don't attack the science directly as it's stronger to attack the feeling than the logic for weak people.


I don't know, just some general thoughts, would love other anon's insight, or feel free to add to this list. Ideally then we get some anons who are more tiktok savvy and begin to start the genesis of some counter attacks (tiktok is driving memes and content now, and is the best way to attack).