Anonymous ID: e9ad18 April 11, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.13405513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5684 >>5714

Multiple New York Times Staff Previously Worked For CCP-Controlled Media: Report



Several current New York Times staffers were previously employed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-controlled English-language newspaper China Daily, which has in recent years paid U.S. media millions of dollars to publish its state-approved content.


Current employees at the New York Times who formerly worked for the Chinese state-run media outlet include; Jonah Kessel, Director of Cinematography at the Times; Diarmuid McDermott, a current Staff Editor and Designer at the outlet; and Europe culture reporter Alex Marshall, the National Pulse found.


In now-deleted Twitter posts, Kessel, who took on the role of China Daily’s Creative Director from July 2009 to November 2010, wrote that working for the CCP sometimes has its “benefits.” He also mentioned that he was “psyched” for starting the role, which included “redesigning” the propaganda arm of the CCP.


He had disclosed in several posts that he was “working for” and “getting paid” by Chinese state media. “You know you work for the PRC [The People’s Republic of China] when the first word that comes to your mind when asked to describe your work place is ‘harmonious’ #china,” Kessel wrote in a Twitter post in November 2009.


According to McDermott’s LinkedIn profile and personal website, he worked as editor and designer for China Daily in a Hong Kong-based role for eight years—from November 2012 to November last year. He assumed the same role at the NY Times last year, and is still based in Hong Kong.


He revamped China Daily’s “Asia Weekly” publication, which, according to his profile, involved “Copy editing; Rewriting raw copy; Designing layout and graphics; Sourcing news stories and pictures; Developing and maintaining a web presence across multiple platforms; Outputting pages for printers across the region.” Marshall was reportedly employed by China Daily as an editor between 2003 and 2004.


The Epoch Times has reached out to the NY Times for comment.

For years, the NY Times has sought expanded access to the Chinese market and accepted millions in advertising revenue from Chinese state-owned media entities.


Records from the U.S. Department of Justice last year show that China Daily paid nearly 19 million dollars to U.S. media companies for advertising and printing expenses over the past four years.

Paid supplements with a pro-Beijing agenda produced by the outlet were published in newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal.


The CCP-controlled outlet also paid the NY Times $50,000 for advertising, the Justice Department records show.



Anonymous ID: e9ad18 April 11, 2021, 5:13 p.m. No.13405726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5745 >>5783

President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly begging federal employees from various agencies to take paid leave to provide care to thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) arriving at the United States-Mexico border.


A report by the New York Times this weekend alleges the Biden administration is sending emails to federal employees asking them to take paid leave to help care for UACs who are arriving by the thousands every month. The Times reports:

The desperate plea landed this week in the email inboxes of employees in government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and NASA: Will you consider taking a four-month paid leave from your job to help care for migrant children in government-run shelters packed with new arrivals at the border? [Emphasis added]


A briefing memo sent to administration officials this week directed the health department to “identify and deploy all available federal volunteers to support” the effort to address the increase of minors, a drive reflected by the email seeking government workers to help. As of Friday, 2,722 employees across the government have volunteered, in most cases with their salaries being picked up by the health department. Some are caring for children at shelters. Others are helping with case management, I.T. services, food delivery, transportation and other logistics. [Emphasis added]


The reported redeployment of thousands of federal employees to aid border crossers comes as the Biden administration has seen the U.S.-Mexico border become overwhelmed as a result of the policy changes made by the president in his first few weeks in office.


In March, federal immigration officials apprehended nearly 170,000 border crossers including more than 18,600 UACs, nearly 53,000 family units, and nearly 97,000 single adults. The surge in illegal immigration under Biden marks a 72 percent increase in a single month and 243 percent increased compared to March 2020.


Most concerning is the number of border crossers who are successfully illegally entering the U.S. without being detected by federal immigration officials. Breitbart News exclusively reported that about 155,000 illegal aliens have successfully crossed into the U.S. since October 2020 — roughly 1,500 “got-aways” every day.