Confirmed by the big boss?
Confirmed by the big boss?
You say Q is fake…
Well now, my friend…
Can you explain away the insanity currently running on the telly at this time?
Cause, I sure as hell can't if I remove Q from the equation…
You'll have to do better…
D5? Dark to Light? Checkmate? Pain?
This has an encyclopedia of Q knowledge…
And you have positive proof that Bidan is occupying the Whitehouse?
Seen far to much evidence against this synopsis…
Clock points to 21
Big Putin Speech on the 21st…
Eyes on!
Once 11.3 (Jan 13) proves as first marker…
White King on E8. White Queen on D8
Black Knight D5 to F6 - check only and covers E8 and D7
Black Bishop covers E6
King has move to E7 to eliminate Check.
Multiple moves:
Black Knight F3 to D4
Black Knight D4 to C6 - capture White Knight
Black Knight D5 to F6
This assumes the player on the other side is not anticipating these moves…
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