Anonymous ID: 8dac10 April 11, 2021, 6:48 p.m. No.13406356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6522 >>6556 >>6568 >>6590 >>6696

Does The CCP Own The Biden Administration?


Once upon a time, we expected that senior officials in a Presidential administration were chosen for their ability to serve the American people effectively. No more. Now, in the world of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, in fact, we need to consider the very real possibility that the individuals being put in charge of our most important agencies are, in fact, working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).


Colin Kahl is the new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. Like so many of Biden’s picks, he is coming to government from a stint with an institute with very troubling ties to the CCP. Such entities, part of China’s United Front activities, focus on co-opting foreign elites and are a dime a dozen now in the United States. Our policies have made the Chinese rich, and that wealth has bought a lot of influence.




Your new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy just came from a job working for an institute, which was in partnership with a university known to be part of Chinese intelligence operations inside the United States. Your new Undersecretary of Defense for Policy was until recently employed by a U.S. university, which has taken tens of millions of dollars from Beijing under the table and has bragged about taking another $58 million from a group, which pushes Chinese propaganda inside the United States.


Sleep well at night? You should not. You should be asking yourself this question – Does the CCP own the Biden administration?

Anonymous ID: 8dac10 April 11, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.13406399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6556 >>6568 >>6590

If it ain’t broke, Joe Biden will break it


The sage advice that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is older than Joe Biden, but apparently he never heard of it. Or doesn’t think much of it.


The president is on a tear, as in tearing up arrangements that were achieving their objectives. His early results are disastrous.


In an act of astonishing foolishness, Biden created a humanitarian and public safety crisis on our southern border by dismantling a successful policy structure that took years to achieve. In the Mideast, he looks determined to undo the Arab-Israeli alliance Donald Trump forged by returning to the failed policies Biden helped to implement in the Obama-Biden administration.


If that were all, it would be more than enough. But it’s not all.


Biden also wants to end the Senate filibuster and took the first step toward packing the Supreme Court. Those two moves are so destructive that even Sen. Mitt Romney, who usually saves his criticism for fellow Republicans, drew the line.



Anonymous ID: 8dac10 April 11, 2021, 7:02 p.m. No.13406469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6496 >>6556 >>6568 >>6590

Does the "Green New Deal" Have a Plan for Dealing With Chinese Depletion of the Oceans' Resources?


China's 'dark' fishing fleets are plundering the world's oceans