Anonymous ID: 7e0799 April 11, 2021, 7:53 p.m. No.13406725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6767 >>6780 >>6795 >>6810 >>6844 >>6848 >>6861 >>6865 >>6868 >>6880 >>6887 >>6903 >>6909 >>6931 >>7090 >>7127 >>7247 >>7359 >>7383

Has The military accepted/acknowledged biden as potus??

Is biden actually the commander in chief?

The Joint Chiefs of Staff is all trump appointees. They still hold their titles.


History repeating?


Lincoln vs Jefferson Davis

Dual presidents

Joe's a Manchurian press elect. Trump is the republic president.

History has repeated.


What if Trump is recognized as POTUS by the military,

And Biden is recognized by an illigitimate Congress and Court?


The military is protecting Florida like fort knox. Trump has a massive SS detail.


Mike Flynn's brother Charles was appointed to lead the army pacific and promoted to four star AFTER Biden took over.


Why the hell would Biden promote a Flynn?????


DRIP.DRIP.DRIP. Way too fast.

I don't think this is going to take 4 years.



The dni report came 30 days late.

Came in on 1/19/21.


If the military has this report plus their own evidence they couldn't even start the engine (so to speak) until 1/21/21.


Abraham Lincoln was elected United States President and took office in March 1861.

Jefferson Davis was elected President of the Confederate States on February 18, 1861.


The two presidents governed the two countries throughout the FOUR YEARS of the American Civil War until the surrender of the Confederacy in April 1865.


The Republic vs The Corporation.


We are seeing this war in every way possible right now.

Just look.


Why Was Lincoln a better president than Davis?

Lincoln was arguably the more successful president in having better political instincts, which became more evident as he grew into his presidency—a talent for knowing when and how to cajole, horse-trade, bribe outright or ruthlessly assert his power, depending on who he was dealing with.


Biden has the cartels, media, +++


The people get lies.


Nothing beats the people's military with Trump as commander in chief.


I truly believe Biden's mob is being destroyed by US military precision everyday. Drip.drip.drip.


The gates are still up in DC

They've give us common folk plenty of "evidence" why they are still up.


Blm march, black supremisist into dc guard, two black teens kill pakistani. Blah blah.


But the wall around dc is to keep out white supremacists….



Now they are putting sandbags around subway grates everywhere in dc.

Wtf is coming now? A flood?

Sandbag has a double meaning


And guess which vice president hasn't left dc just yet. Pence.

He took up residency across the Potomac… That river will flood DC.


I think this week will be all about the election court cases. Forensic DATS DUMP. It's sure seems like pennsylvania,michigan,arizona will be in the news. It will be certainly unavoidable.


The Biden legitimacy question will be asked during the daily press conference.


She won't be able to circle jerk the media much longer.