Drugs worked so splendidly for Nazi germany that after they immolated themselves on the altar of their own hubris the OSS/CIA just had to keep the party going all the way from MKUltra to project monarch and beyond. Nothing like a few metric tons per year of afghan black tar heroin and columbian cocaine imported into our cities to eviscerate the morality of American families and make a few billion dollars for the Bush family. Now with the advent of SSRI's and opioids American brains are too fried to bother with petty questions like "why is my son a transsexual" or "why is my daughter a whore" or "where do mass shootings come from" or "why does every country on earth laugh at our hypocrisy and incompetence". Fuck this gay earth.
And fuck Fauci.
there is a silver lining:
Meritocracy might sound rayciss, but kakistocracy sounds like kekistocracy.