Anonymous ID: 61d56d April 12, 2021, 6:17 a.m. No.13408663   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don’t focus on the evil spirits too much, it gives them power and they xcan only do what your mind ‘allows’ them to do. There is a hierarchy- read your Bible and research. But know that one Jesus out numbers a gorillian evil spirits.

“He who is IN you is greater than he that is in the world” most Christians do not know their own power-all Jesus did was heal, preach the Kingdom and cast out spirits.

If your identity is in anything other than God, it becomes a chain. Even what we consider noble. God first.

Let go of this world and grab on to Him. He healed me radically two and a half years ago. I now know my lifelong depression addiction and anxiety and certain physical ailments were spirits oppressing me. They are gone- Poof!! Praise Him!

These things are not genetic nor are they curable by meds. Spirits know in a family the mindset and what works, meds are a trade off to other spirits that are addiction spirits. The chains can be broken. illness of ‘the mind’ especially and some physical are the spiritual world manifesting itself in the physical.

It’s real. I am very aware now when I’m being ‘attacked’. If my spouse and I have a fight ‘out of nowhere’ I think about what is it that is causing this spirit to attack? Right before my spouse got baptized- BIG fight. I realized what was happening and made it right. We prayed together and it left.

When God revealed this to me and radically healed me- I researched spirits and their organization. It’s interesting stuff but can distract you from what is actually where your mind should be focused. I realized quickly to instead dive into the Bible and research what your spiritual gifts are, what powers Jesus gave us when he bestowed the gift of The Holy Spirit to us.

It’s so good!!! You are moar powerful than you know.

Love and prayers and Devine protection to all anons this morning.

No homo spirits