Anonymous ID: ab070e April 12, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.13410338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0357 >>0389


Why are Jews leading the Alt Right and white nationalist movements?

Answer: to control the opposition, subvert those looking for the truth and real solutions, and promote their own agenda. Here’s the agenda we see being pushed by those above:


  1. Incite violence among their White audience, including shootings and other illegal activity – common with the Daily Stormer crowd. (Note: Promoting violence is a counter-productive strategy at this point in time, as it achieves nothing, alienates others who may be open to these truths, destroys the lives of those committing crimes, is used to take away our rights (free speech and gun rights), and is used by the controlled media to vilify Whites.)

  2. Obscure and conceal the truth and bigger picture. Many of the Jews in the Alt-Right will give their audience some truth, but then obscure the bigger picture, promote lies, and lead people down endless rabbit holes of confusion.

  3. Promote lies and disinformation. Many Jews in the Alt Right promote lies about history, the9-11 attacks, thetruth=$ about jewish identity==, and various other topics, while constantly bashing Christianity.

  4. Promote non-solutions. Jews love to promote the Alt Right, politics, and various forms of “activism” because these are all non-solutions that will never go anywhere.


By their fruits you shall know them.