Anonymous ID: 509a0e April 12, 2021, 4:11 p.m. No.13412138   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Think about it, really do.

Is there a team of disrupters?

Do they have objectives?

Is one objective to control the flow of information?

What position on our board controls the flow of information?

Is that position contested for?

Is that contention astroturfed drama, to keep others out?

Have they had the time to weasel their way in, and keep control?


Next objective: You.

Do they have a means to flood the board with a drumbeat of subliminals?

Do they make these positions of importance? (News flooder)

Do you consume what these social engineers produce?

Then they've got your Mind.

What you feel isn't organic.


If they control the flow of information, and they use that flow to feed you subliminal poison, you are the product of that poison.


Next questions:

Is that poison made for a specific reason?

Lets go through this, do you all know Media Matters CEO Angelo Carusone?

He has this very identifiable trademark of going after your support structure instead of you directly.

If instead of advertisers, we place the Bible, we can start figuring out what he would attack.

It's my suspicious that he has IDEN'd major sins and is using his agents here to deploy poison that erodes Gods support for you.

This wretched monster makes you think you've sinned out of Gods Forgiveness.

No worries fren, His Forgiveness is absolute and He knows well what this freak is doing.


It shows in the themes shills use.

Bestiality, gay marriage, anal rape, rejecting His Name.

Actually, that's the best recent example.

On sunday, April 4th, the bickering of the groundhog day team revolved around The Holy Name of Jesus. For brief periods of time, if you engaged or thought about it, you may have "rejected His name". Doesn't matter what side you picked, "No, it's … "

They got you, by taking part in their groundhog day bickering, to deny His Name, if only briefly.

They get off on that.

They insert wedges of doubt like that.


These people are sick.

His main targets are the Thought Leaders, of which I am one.

If he can't bring them down, he "peanut butters" their followers from them.

Which is why exbot does ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Which is why BO posted fred doing ¯_(ツ)_/¯ as he got ousted during the propaganda piece's latest release.


It's to keep (You) from a Thought Leader.

To keep US from a higher coherency.