The real question is how many times has Israel acted against the US in the last 20 years
who does it by first name!?
That was Iranian money u know. Seized (stolen) by the Americans/Zionists. It's not like the US was giving US cash to Iran. They were giving back some of what they stole
Still do
It wasn't money from any other source
Well if you wanna go there everything is stolen and nothing is legitimate. You are aware how the jew makes (((money))) for the goyim arent you?
we need to ban all these violent boomers. Threats are not cool
So why doddle on Iran when we know the real enemy
Trump is a Zionist. Look at the Kushner family relationship with Bibi
Go back to Israel
A real man uses violence when necessary. The people who run around chimping out over nothing are children
way to evade
Solar Warden checking in
Lol, you are spot on.
again dodging the Kushner Bibi connection
more evasion
Is she that ex Fox news hosts twin sister?
I get banned all the time for pointing out the Bibi Kushner connection