Anonymous ID: 3f901e April 13, 2021, 12:35 a.m. No.13414836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4859 >>4928



anons, let's show this hateful biatch there are consequences for her actions


you've proly all heard or read about the prof who authored the prayer asking God to help her "hate white people." let's get her ass fired. flood the offices of mercer university with calls, letters, and emails demanding her termination.

for maximum impact, be insistent, but remain decorous. i shouldn't have to say this, but for God's sake, avoid sounding raycisst. if you can, spread this campaign to like-minded folks thru other soc media outside this forum.


direct your displeasure to:

Chancellor R. Kirby Godsey; 478-301-5750;

President William D. Underwood; 478-301-2500;


maybe try to sound your most literate self, too. here is the text of the email i sent. feel free to use if for ideas, or even copy pasta.


Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a professor of practical theology at Mercer University has recently come into the national spotlight for authoring "Prayer of a Weary Black Woman," in which the supplicant asks God to help them "hate White people."


There is no context that can justify or explain away this disgraceful affront to Christian teachings and values.  There is no excuse to be made for the reprehensible un-Christian beliefs she holds in her heart, nor her abject lack of judgment in putting those beliefs into print.  Professor Walker-Barnes has, by her own shameful words and actions, unequivocally demonstrated she is unfit to teach students or profess theology.  She is an embarrassment to herself and to the faith she falsely avows.


In light of the recent heightened public awareness of hate-speech, Chanequa Walker-Barnes' conduct is especially intolerable. If Mercer University does not immediately and without hesitation terminate her employment, then the reputation and stature of Mercer will bear the same stain of iniquitous hypocrisy.  You have no alternative but to do the right thing, forthwith.  Failure to act decisively will have lamentable and abiding repercussions for the University, and reflect poorly on your individual stature, as well.