filtered it
How long will it be before the MSM starts to blame Trump?
>>13414964 PB
>Sabrina Scotus…
Good eye.
In an article that is criticizing people who follow Q for their silly symbolism.
On Yahoo New - which the normies actually read and believe. Maybe this will wake them up?
Once again, Trump will be their "whipping boy" but, of course, he knew that all along. Sly fellow.
As long as Black people keep being taught that White people are evil and White people keep being taught that White people are evil, then yes, racism will be a health treat to Whites.
Blacks kill 10x more White than Whites killing Blacks.
This will only increase will all of the hatred that the MSM and schools keep preaching.
Whites will be exterminated in no time and many Blacks are just fine with that idea and have stated it publicly.
Try getting onto an airplane without a mask. See how well that works out for you. The airlines have become Mask Nazis.
Sounds like dog comms.
Satan's great sin is that he wanted to be God.
They follow and worship Satan.
So I guess it makes sense that they also want to be God and are trying to fulfill the prophecies themselves.
I've never thought of Satan trying to get back into Heaven. I've always just thought that he was trying to drag as many people as he could, down to hell with him. Misery loves company.
Also, I've considered that Satan is jealous of people, because people have been given a second chance at salvation thru Jesus Christ. Satan was not given a second chance, once he sinned, God thru him straight out of Heaven like a bolt of lightening.
Black man kissing a White woman?
What's your point?
Yeah. Sort of like Hillary. If I go down, I'm taking a whole bunch of people with me. Spiteful and vengeful.
If they were really afraid of catching covid from that unmasked woman they would not have laid a hand on her and would have kept a good 6 feet away from her.
If bribes don't work, and blackmail doesn't work, and threats don't work, then 187 it is.
Swordy posts a bunch. Follow his ID