What we are witnessing is us advancing to the next stage of Human Evolution.
As a collective we are going through the evolution process.
We are evolving and ascending with earth in either a positive or negative polarization. In laymen's terms (good or evil)
We as a collective selected positive (good) that is why the dark ones are losing their shit right now, right here on this board.
This is much bigger than anyone can imagine. The Great awakening is but a small but critical part of the grand plan. This part of plan is exposing the dark ones because the people as a collective must know the truth or they cannot make an informed decision on this matter. Each and EVERY ONE OF YOU will also make the decision to evolve as positive with earth. Or evolve as negative elsewhere.
Before that choice is made and before The Event happens, the truth MUST come out.
You are all eternal souls with freewill. Old souls. SELECTED to help God and HUMAN EVOLUTION. Think about that for a minute.