way worth the 5 minute watch
What Is Happening !s
way worth the 5 minute watch
What Is Happening !s
if their were millions of fake masks and fake tests all from chi-na
maybe the vaccines that are causing the most problems are counterfeit goods from chi-na also.
what does chi-na specialize in? Fake commodities.
Trump knows this.
When there are too few vaxcines it is easier to shill the fake product.
download all information into the brain
never believe anything unless you can prove it to yourself.
and continue to download all information
it is not Trump's vaccine anymoar?
It is cabal?
can no longer trust suppliers at this current time ty
well if they crew were responsible, they would gloat in their cock and ass artwork and go down with the shpt.
if they are scapegoats they were well on the radios and filming while they ship was remotely controlled drawing the obscene artwork and they witnessed the takeover and crash. There should be tons of evidence of them documenting the shipsurrection.
I'm saying the two choices given:
good vax
bad vax
are only two of a few dozen possibilities
Whatever the TRUTH.
Trump Knows
watch the water indeed