>those are not nipple rings
It doesn't matter now anon.
He will be forever known as 'Nipsy'
>those are not nipple rings
It doesn't matter now anon.
He will be forever known as 'Nipsy'
>it could in fact be far more epic than it is.
People will choose safe and comfortable over epic.
>What's outside?
Don't go outside anon.
The graphics are fucking awful
NPC's are on loops and are rarely engaging.
I have found no way to level up.
Outside is rubbish.
Choice is all there ever is anon.
Action = Consequences.
Good actions = ?
Bad actions = ?
Does there need to be any moar to it?
>When we look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into us - Nietzsche.
Sometimes it's better to just be, anon.
Just be.