… I asked again in the early hours of morn after another day of the clashing of works and words on this electronic war board. Do I need to continue Father, with this assignment of praying over this group of rude, cursing, braying unnamed mass?.. and slipping into the ether of the place I hear, letting the images form, spirit hearing His words to me… I see you, each choosing the path of revealing wrongs, of revealing evil, each of you choosing to be watchers, heralding the warning. The toxicity each of you experiences into your being as you continue to go deeper into the web that is the ground of your battlefield. Understanding the why of your ways now… releasing the toxicity thru your manner, your spewing of words, explosions, the releasing of the evil you ingest for us, the named, as we shield our tender selves from the evil you face daily. … Thus He answers. Anew I am in awe of you, honored to be one of the warrior watchers of the Anons, and I pray…