If you say so, but do we have evidence of anyone going to either?
Ok, so 2 dems have committed suicide over coming legal issues (one was a lawyer donor).
One arrest of a nobody in uranium one.
Lots of flights mysteriously turn around.
Then flights to Guantanamo Bay Cuba.
Moon boots being worn, even switching foot.
Hawaii not so false alarm…
There's lots of smoke.
Some really good sounding talk from Trump.
Mysterious booms, apparent fighting in underground bases.
The Saudi clean up.
LOTS of CEO's resigning, lots of Politicians not seeking re-election.
And an executive order seizing funds of those involved in this stuff, all kinda unknown international people.
10k sealed indictments.
But, is all that is happening, why has not one single visible person been confirmed absolutely missing or arrested?
There is POWERFUL circumstantial evidence that suggests the white hats have taken control, but, if it were actually the black hats that had taken control and they were sending the white hats to GITMO, would we really know the difference when we don't know who is at GITMO anyway?
I VERY MUCH thing that it is happening, and I want to think it is happening, and it seems it is happening…
But Q has mislead us before, and we have nothing beyond doubt that this is what we think it is.
Something is probably happening, but the narrative we are being sold might be the only one I can think of, but I will be glad when it's the only one possible because Bush, Clinton's, and the rest are behind bars!
Probably we only have to wait to see if the MEMO is as good/bad as claimed, and I'm just an impatient whiny twat, hopefully. but as of yet, we are just listening to a story teller with a yarn that is wrong in places (Q promised arrests to happen early Nov).