Anonymous ID: 48269c April 13, 2021, 8:33 p.m. No.13421465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1486 >>1513




















You really are my family. Thank you so much for this.


When I got on this evening, I could not have been in a lower place. My elderly parents told me they were getting their vax tomorrow. If I hadn't called, they would've done so without telling me. They know how strongly I feel about this. The rest of my family has already done the deed. Anon lives alone. You understand.


You have given me a sense of belonging and purpose and kinship. I was a very powerful person and now live on the fringes of scoeity because of this life and I would not change ONE.SINGLE.THING.


I love you all. You are my brothers and sisters and surely angels from heaven.