Anonymous ID: 0bc145 May 8, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.1342337   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thank you Q and team. Some of us have known this plan was coming for quite a while, and as the cabal became more entrenched, it wasn't always easy to keep faith. Eventually, when this ex-scientist did concluded there was nothing in the industry (pharm) left but to serve the cabal, I left and became a high school teacher, mentoring our children to be questioning, moral citizens, as best I can.


I want you to know they can sense the optimism, our excitement in knowing Freedom is coming. Most important, they're hungry for real truth. They do recognize it when they see it. This more than anything gives me hope for the future. Bless you, Q.

Anonymous ID: 0bc145 May 8, 2018, 5:29 p.m. No.1342597   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Am also so glad Iranian ppl are being freed (and WW). Worked with many Persians over the years, true Patriots. One long-time colleague shared the painful story of having to leave when the Shah was overthrown, being thrown in jail for speaking against it, barely escaping with his life.


Said they had been a sophisticated society of free thought much like we were, that they couldn't believe what was happening when it came down. He also said he was witnessing the same thing happen here (US), power-hungry ideologues overthrowing civilized thought inch by inch, useful idiot zealots fueling their momentum with blind rage or cold opportunism. He confessed it terrified him.


This evil has taken so much from all of us. So grateful that we are restoring all peoples to their true histories and destinies.

Anonymous ID: 0bc145 May 8, 2018, 5:48 p.m. No.1342812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2869 >>2917



Iran has been taken over by cabal, but good ppl are at the core. Good, smart ppl who never wanted fundamentalist Islam to take over their nation. The overthrow of the Shaw was a deep state coup, not an organic move emblematic of the desires of the ppl.


To understand the game, you have to learn to look past proclamations of nationality and at deeper loyalties, to deep state maybe (e.g. C_A), or to tribe. Just like US has white v. blackhats, a schism within, so too do many other nations.


Divided or dual loyalties is what muddies the water. We need all leaders to have one oath of service in order to prevent this kind of mess from happening again. Conflicts of interest breed intrigue and deception.


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