Wow they must be scared…chasing his tripcode hard
>>1342283 No was not mistake….Q is slick…
>>1342297 Q would not make a mistake like that… smell something cooking
>>1342317 Bingo brother
>>1342321 If something got in they were tracked dumbass
So Q forgot to put Q in tripcode…really? nope fuckery afoot do it Q
>>1342370 well you now know he damn sure knows who you are
>>1342391 Q would not make that mistake…period
Charlie Mike Q charlie mike
>>1342425 His password was password
>>1342436 you forgot one….your a sliding clown
>>1342447 KEK
>>1342459 no we did the really small teenzy weenzy ones though
>>1342468 leave it alone
>>1342478 Nope you bit like a catfish idiot
>>1342484 The catfish always take the bait my friend
>>1342538 Oh yeah the shit just happened…dumb fucks took the bait
>>1342686 Bingo…KEK