Anonymous ID: d5c60b May 8, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.1342288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2392



Tired of winning yet? All the doom and gloom over the dreaded TRUMP TAX CUTS has proven, once again, to be WRONG. The Congressional Budget Office has released the numbers for April, and, as it turns out, the federal government has collected record revenue along with a record one-month surplus.


Estimated Surplus in April 2018: $218 Billion


The federal government realized a surplus of $218 billion in April 2018, CBO estimates—$35 billion larger than the surplus in April 2017.


CBO estimates that receipts in April 2018 totaled $515 billion—$59 billion (or 13 percent) more than those in the same month last year. Individual income and payroll taxes rose by $73 billion (or 20 percent), on net. Non withheld payments for those taxes, largely final payments of 2017 taxes, rose by $60 billion. Withholding of individual income and payroll taxes rose by $7 billion (or 4 percent). Withheld taxes rose both because wages and salaries were higher and because April 2018 had one more business day than April 2017. However, those factors were partially offset because the share of wages withheld for taxes was lower, CBO estimates, reflecting the new withholding tables issued in January. Corporate income tax payments declined by $14 billion (or 24 percent).


The only bad news is that spending was up to $297 Billion, which was $24 Billion more than this time last year.


According to Market Watch, this breaks the previous surplus record set back in 2001, which was $190 Billion. These latest numbers are $40 Billion MORE than what the CBO had projected. In fact, these numbers prove the original CBO estimate wrong, as they had predicted a record deficit.



Anonymous ID: d5c60b May 8, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.1342513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2710 >>2788

FREEDOM CAUCUS CHAIR Mark Meadows Threatens Contempt of Congress Charges Against Jeff Sessions by End of Week


Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) joined Lou Dobbs on Tuesday night to discuss the latest stonewalling by the Jeff Sessions Department of Justice.


Mark Meadows told Lou either the DOJ turns over the subpoenaed documents this week or the House Intelligence Committee will press contempt of Congress charges against Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


This was a remarkable interview. Meadows also said the Sessions DOJ is no better than the Obama DOJ.

It really is past time for Jeff Sessions to step down.


Mark Meadows: I know he (Chairman Nunes) is meeting with some of his Intel Committee Members right now as we ramp up the pressure. I can tell you that we have one real problem right now Lou. We have a Department of Justice under this administration saying they will not give documents to Congress that we’re entitled to constitutionally. And we have a Department of Justice that’s trying to write a narrative to suggest that the American people don’t need to see it. I can tell you that I’m not seeing a whole lot of difference between the Trump Administration DOJ and the Obama administration DOJ in terms of them giving documents… One of two things will happen this week. Either we will get a contempt citation or we’ll get the documents. I hope we get the documents but one of two things will happen this week.



Anonymous ID: d5c60b May 8, 2018, 5:33 p.m. No.1342652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Trump’s Announcement on Exiting the Iranian Nuke Deal — Here’s a Photo Collection of Obama’s Remaining Legacy…


On Tuesday President Donald Trump exited the JCPOA — the junk Iranian nuclear deal.

According to experts and evidence by the Israeli government Iran has already violated the agreement.


After today’s announcement we decided to put together a list of what remains of the Obama legacy.



Anonymous ID: d5c60b May 8, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.1342806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820 >>2828


Anyone ever question why DOJ in any state is a political position, in that they are voted for, Why wouldn't that be an appointment, just like it is in DC. Each state has legislator's, that is just strange to me. They are supposed to up hold the law. Not win elections.