as if anyone who does not trust vaccines listens to these faggots.
every fucking person involved needs to be shot. Fuck LE let the niggers kill them for all i care anymore. I pray that these cops die painfully.
i need to go eat an edible that pissed me off so damn much it made me fucking sick. I hate these people, i know i shouldn't but i am work in progress and these are fucking stains on humanity.
that is bullshit fuck off.
i am a piece of work, but damn, to go around when these people have no clue and sadly most of them are under state or family care and this is just abuse to me. If in a elderly care facility they still have rights to refuse medication and you can not force it on them at all its against the fucking law to do so. Fucking disgusted.
no you are wrong just because you collect a ssdi check does not mean you have to take the check, just like if you are in an extended care facility you can not be forced to take a medication, you have the right to refuse. So maybe its time you have a little more compassion and be less of a flaming faggot.
yeah i hope you die in fire. I hope one of those pipes you work on explodes and kills you like the little faggot nigger you are.
no i just have compassion for those who are less fortunate in life. But not shocked you sound like a self absorbed faggot with tiny dick syndrome.
you think i don't see how people take advantage of these individuals for their own political capital, just look at the fucking illegal problem they take away money and resources so that those people who are disabled which include multiple levels of care and includes vets as well get fucked over. They lose the ability to find housing and other programs as well that could help them get better but when all the resources goes to illegals and people who are scamming the system, selling food stamps etc yeah its a fucking shame. THEN when you add in most of the agencies that are tasked with helping people are corrupt as well and don't actually do fuck all. So if you think that they can legally push this on disabled people you are wrong, they still have their rights at least for now. THEN if it really does come to that which they start forcing it on people then we are all in the deep shit at that point.
it got handied off.