Chris Warkentin in District 16 of Greenview has become one of the largest land owners with the aide of Vaccines and Globalist Bankers, they destroy the farm family and absorb the land into a system that absorbs all farmland world wide, Pesticides, Herbicides, Vaccines and plastics are all weapons against the Farm Family.
Chris Warkinstein and his European Banker Cousins afraid of being exposed decided to wipe out every Goyim in Canada.
The Microwave towers in the USA are abandoned but in Canada are well maintained, are these all part of the HAARP ground system the reinforces the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge?
Shot Shovel Shut up should be adopted for Politicians.
Israel is doing to the west what they have done to Palestine.
Hello Tele Aviv.
13549216 Looks like he was good to go Camping for the weekend, Police over reaction.
In Rural areas of Canada the 5G is mounted on the Microwave Towers that are also part of HAARP and will be used to destroy Crops this year, taking out these Towers will kill at least two Globalist Terrorist Systems at once.
Exactly wink wink nudge nudge.
Or you could force your local MD office to disconnect all power to said towers until an investigation is made into the purpose of the towers.
These towers have been put out of service in the USA when Citizens investigated and found they served no logical purpose, and why worry about the Iranians when we have Liberal, Conservative, NDP and Greens all working together as part of the Common Purpose Crowd.
When everyone in Government is the Enemy reducing their Communications systems to nothing is very important.
How goes the deep state, busy busy busy.
Mossad running the board, how is Global depopulation going?
How many Mossad to Change Lightbulb?
Depends on how many CSIS they have working that day.
Sloppy Job Mossad, we know you are running this board as Gatekeepers.
Mossad has used the Canadian Government to set up a network of 5G and HAARP called the Microwave Towers that will activate the Smartdust when spread across the fields of Canada.
Most Canadian Farmland is controlled by the crooked Politicians or the Bankers who have used disease, Pestilence and Plague to take control of the majority of farmland world wide.
Chemtrails are going as hard as ever in western Canada, with no one Traveling the Planes can be retrofitted to carry even more toxins to spread on the land.
Chemtrails are an integral part of the HAARP system and increase its strength and Range, when the Chemtrails drop out they reduce soil Acidity causing run away infestations of Insects to attack every Tree in the forests, the source of endless forest fires.
The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge: What It Is And What It …
Search domain alabamawx.com
The Ridiculously Resilient Ridge, or the RRR for short, is an atmospheric blocking phenomena appropriately named for its tenacity and unrelenting presence within the atmosphere off of California's coast. A ridge is an area within the atmosphere in which there is unusually high pressure.
Climate Engineers Can No Longer Suppress El Niño | Wake Up …
Search domain wakeup-world.com
This constant ridge of high pressure is a phenomenon which is fueled by ionosphere heaters like "HAARP" along with the constant spraying of atmospheric aerosols. The "ridiculously resilient ridge" they have created has in effect altered the trade winds normally associated with the development of El Niño and thus contained the rapidly …
Chemical Trucks are the most likely thing you will see at Canadian Airports as the Evil Globalists or Canadian Government prepare the next wave the Environment disasters.
The Smartdust will act under power of 5G to use Carbon, Calcium from the Soil and Oxygen from the Atmosphere into Limestone making fields infertile, this will be spread in Granular Fertilizers.
We will be getting closer to success when these Prizes no longer go to mass murderers.
The Globohomo is about to unleash the next wave of their Evil Plan.
How many mothballed Canadian Military Bases are Adrenochrome Farms filled with Native, Asian and our missing children?
Canada will have to do as the USA and destroy our Capital City completely before this is over.
Every Closed Base at some time is used.
99% of Opium and Heroin comes in with the Military, with the has for two hundred years.
You have to take my word for it, my family ran the Royal Opium from what is now Pakistan for 100 years, after destroying their society so they would be forced to grow Opium poppy.
Reddit, hello Cabal, Sacrifice over for the day?
Remember to put your house number in Chinese before you are injected with a Vaccine, just to be good submissive Canucks.
When can we chain the doors on MSM and have a few 9/11 across the country, lets shutdown Mossad Media.
Mainstream Media ,Peace is War, Love is Hate, Black is White, Up is Down, In and out everyday fucking the Canadian Mind.
Rwanda was a test of Psychotronic Weapons to move all those people off of a Rothschild's Rare Earths Mine, 38 nations had observers with various protective equipment with many have to leave as the weapons overpowered their system of protection, only Canada and a few others had been able to observe the full effects of the weapon on the unprotected people.
The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract
Globalists murdered the experts on the Rwanda Massacre.
Government Accidentally Releases Documents on "Psycho-Electric" Weapons
Obsolete system repurposed as nationwide Psychotronic weapon system.
Trans Canada Microwave
Trans Canada Microwave or Trans-Canada Skyway was a microwave system built in the 1950s to carry telephone and TV from Canada's east coast to its west coast. Because microwaves travel in a straight line and do not follow the curvature of the Earth, towers were built every 48 kilometres.Wikipedia
Author wrote on how hate radio caused the Rwanda Massacre not knowing it was also a Psychotronic Weapon.
Rwanda and RTLM Radio Media Effects
Scott Straus
Department of Political Science
University of Wisconsin, Madison
HAARP Canada.
Search domain
Canadian Microwave Inc. is an asset-based telecom carrier with infrastructure in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland. We provide TDM and Ethernet inter-carrier circuits over our microwave backbone. Our coverage extends into areas underserved by fiber optic networks, where we carry the quality of the past into the future.
National Research Centre of Canada - (NRC)
Scientific peer reviewed and archived laboratory controlled studies done by the NRC of Canada demonstrates conclusively the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on living systems. These studies are available through the NRC archives. To obtain copies by telephone call 1 800 668 1222 or visit their website at There is a nominal charge of approximately $12 cdn. Here are three brief relevant extracts from three of the studies:
Extract from LTR-CS-113 by Dr J Bigu, 1973, titled; "Interaction of electromagnetic fields and living systems with special reference to birds."
During the initial stabilizing period the egg production of each colony was the same, but following the onset of radiation the egg production of the radiated colony increased to a higher level at which it remained essentially constant. In terms of the total number of eggs produced the difference amounts to an increase of 13.7% - an increase that could be of economic significance in raising poultry provided other, and undesired, interaction effects do not appear.
However the mortality rate of the radiated colony was almost double that of the control colony through each of phases A and B.
Extract from LTR-CS-18 by Dr J A Tanner, 1969, titled; "Effects of microwave radiation on Parakeets in Flight"
Conclusion: The results obtained in this experiment indicate that microwave radiation has an aversive effect on birds in flight comparable to that previously observed in caged birds. This leads the way to a possible solution of the bird hazard problem in aviation.
Extract from LTR-CS-89 by Dr. J A Tanner, 1973, co-authored by Dr. Romero-Sierra, Dept of Anatomy, Queens' University, Kingston, Ont., titled; "Bird Feathers as Dielectric Receptors of Microwave Radiation."
Depending on many factors the use of microwave radiation can be detrimental or beneficial to humans. One beneficial use of microwave radiation is to reduce the hazards of birds to aircraft. This forms part of an extensive program designed to shed some light on the complex nature of the interaction of microwave radiation with biological systems.
The avian virus was plausibly caused by misadventure with either disregard, or ignorance of, the cumulative effects over time of continuously increasing exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation, particularly microwave, in tandem with the practices of the modern hi-tech factory system of poultry production.
Government site appears to be blocked to the Goy.
ikk; idbm6 the old keyboard up down left right code.
Cabal is really cranking up the 5G today, feel it in your lungs.
asodcro lryqsA maggohb kofda
Covid will be renamed as Fauci - 19 with AIDS being named Fauci - 1.
Biden election to be called, THE BIG LIE from now onwards making the Trudeau election the little lie.
Trudeau's backhole, ( )0( ) the most used fake leader in the World.