CODE2032_17 ID: d5465d 2032 - C17 April 24, 2021, 10:25 p.m. No.13507098   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

When they sprung the trap, the trial went on for four years with Flynn eventually being found guilty after admitting that he had lied in response to an inconsequential question, which was later borne out from the FBI's own notes


So, correcting the injustice, Trump pardoned Flynn.


But the question needs to be asked: Of all the incoming Trump team, why was Flynn the target? And who did the targeting?


There are easy answers, as his brother Joe β€” who was right beside him on stage Saturday β€” told Church Militant in an earlier interview.

Remember, no one on the Obama deep-State crew had believed Trump was going to win. Hillary was supposed to have won and taken over as the latest purveyor of lies and deception and complete the coup of America and its transformation into a socialist State.

Indeed, Hillary had made the plans of what was going to happen very clear in her speech a year before the 2016 campaign. Speaking to the Women in the World Summit, Clinton laid out that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" regarding "reproductive health care" β€” meaning of course, abortion and contraception.


The entire swamp, of course, was and still is behind that assessment.


New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, on the heels of Clinton's anti-religion speech regarding homosexuality, also went after people of faith, condemning their religious-based morals as what "elevates unthinking obeisance above intelligent observance."


But he didn't stop there. He laid out a case for "freeing religions and religious people from prejudices that they needn't cling to."


And he went on to quote a gay rights activist who said, "Church leaders must be made 'to take homosexuality off the sin list.' "


Notice the subtle but important reference there: "must be made" β€” made β€” to take it off the list. By whom? How?


Well, that's what Hillary was going to set about to do, among other things, and then along came Trump, upsetting the whole socialist applecart.


During his time, Obama with the help of Biden has quietly remade the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government, putting key people in key positions who set about the work of slowly introducing socialism into the government β€” placing a "red" here and another "red" there, making sure that the state could be turned against normal Americans whenever they wanted to.


And they did this with Trump even before he took the oath. His win sent them reeling, but it wasn't long before they got back up and hatched their plan.


Flynn, owing to his long experience in D.C., knew what was going on and was too dangerous to have in an incoming Trump administration. He could completely unmask the deep State in the intelligence agencies, so they went after him immediately and sidelined him.


Biden β€” as the notes from the meeting reflect β€” was in on all of this, even being the one to suggest going after Flynn.


The deep State, perfectly aligned with the deep Church, have a goal to bring the world into a whole new age β€” a 'Great Reset.'GabTweet

Without Flynn, Trump was handicapped because too many around him in those earlier days were part of the deep State, as Trump would discover too late to do much about.


But Trump knows now, and what's more, the deep State knows he knows and that's why this election had to be stolen from him. A "woke" Trump, with all the powers of the presidency for another four years, would spell their doom.


Make no mistake, the deep State, perfectly aligned with the deep Church, have a goal to bring the world into a whole new age β€” a "Great Reset" β€” and we keep hearing that "reset" will involve the end of religion, especially authentic Catholicism.


The two institutions that needed to be invaded to bring this all about were the Church and D.C., and skillfully, they have done just that.

C!7 ID: d5465d Intel Remake? April 24, 2021, 11:19 p.m. No.13507408   πŸ—„οΈ.is πŸ”—kun

Biden has quietly remade the intelligence apparatus of the U.S. government, putting key people in key positions who set about the work of slowly introducing socialism into the government β€” placing a "red" here and another "red" there, making sure that the state could be turned against normal Americans whenever they wanted to.

Flynn, owing to his long experience in D.C., knew what was going on and was too dangerous to have in an incoming Trump administration. He could completely unmask the deep State in the intelligence agencies, so they went after him immediately and sidelined him.

Biden β€” as the notes from the meeting reflect β€” was in on all of this, even being the one to suggest going after Flynn.

The deep State, perfectly aligned with the deep Church, have a goal to bring the world into a whole new age β€” a 'Great

Without Flynn, Trump was handicapped because too many around him in those earlier days were part of the deep State, as Trump would discover too late to do much about.

Make no mistake, the deep State, perfectly aligned with the deep Church, have a goal to bring the world into a whole new age β€” a "Great Reset" β€” and we keep hearing that "reset" will involve the end of religion, especially authentic Catholicism.

The two institutions that needed to be invaded to bring this all about were the Church and D.C., and skillfully, they have done just that.


As a Catholic-minded patriot, Flynn can and does speak from experience about just how not only a private citizen's life can be ruined by the deep State, but also about how the country can be overrun by these evil Marxists.

Listening to Flynn speak as a patriot about the deep State makes you wonder: Where is a bishop speaking about the deep Church?

