Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 3:32 p.m. No.13426287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6308 >>6315 >>6354 >>6532 >>6655

>>13426248 LB

>the mark


ANONS: get this straight. the vaccine is not the MARK, worshipping lucifer is the MARK, and God knows whether you did that or not. taking the "final" vaccine with the chip for doing trade possibly might be the mark, but MARK means money. that is what mark means. However. that should not concern those who do want to take the vax. just because a family member or someone you love took it does not mean they are doomed to hell. that thinking needs to stop. do not put that fear into people.


and the "virus" could actually be real and the vax might be needed. i dont know.. but i will not get one, but my daughter did and she is fine. she got the pfizer one that Ivanka did (BioNTech) so i am going to assume she will be okay. i did have a friend who had a siezure after his second one, tho he had a massive stroke 10 years ago so that is maybe why he had a bad reaction. i have friends who got ModernA and they are fine. but again. i personally do not want a vaccine.

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 3:38 p.m. No.13426319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6324 >>6325 >>6326 >>6329 >>6332 >>6335 >>6350 >>6360 >>6361 >>6368 >>6371 >>6385 >>6478 >>6487 >>6552 >>6588


maybe because there really is a virus and i do know people who have gotten it and died. maybe because there is something good from it. maybe to let people know that this will be okay? to stop living in fear? i still wont get it but the fear mongering on both sides needs to stop, such as these vaccine passports. that needs to stop as well. we will have family that will get this. so stop trying to be a part of the fear porn

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 3:41 p.m. No.13426337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6396 >>6504


i had a bad reaction to a tetanus vax years ago. that is why i dont get vaccines. but we dont know about all the behind the scenes stuff. i dont think Trump or Ivanka want people to die. that is all. so i am not going to be a part of the fear porn. we can stop the likes of Bill Gates and we can also wait to see what the long term affects are going to be from these vaccines. i have many friends and famiily who are getting them. so far i know more people who died from covid than this vaccine.

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 3:57 p.m. No.13426421   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6438 >>6502 >>6505 >>6517









i am not for pushing the vax also not for the fear factor either. fuck off shills. you are definately shills. i am not taking vax for those who obviously cant read. but this is not some mark of the beast and my best friends husband died from the covid. another close friend died as well. so did my father. in december. so yeah. fuck off.

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 4:16 p.m. No.13426543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6556 >>6557 >>6562


not whining you ball of sweat on biden's tiny balls… go fuck yourself.



its the go to response by the class kindergartner clown.



this is what i think too. i think many of these vaccines are placebos with some actual vaccine mixed in the batches and they can study the side effects by the vaccine card/batch numbers and who got what. its russian roullette. but again. have many famalam who got it, they are fine so far. none got sick only one friend had a siezure and that is because he had a massive stroke many years ago.



stop the fear porn. just becasue the left does it doesnt make it okay.

i am tired of muh mark of the beast crap. that is not the mark of the beast, you are condemning people who took it to hell? just stupid. Covid is more than the flu. it is a man made virus with HIV protein markers. we dont know what the long term effects will be for those who got it or what the long term effects are for those who took the vaccine either.

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 4:39 p.m. No.13426699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6713


dont know anon. my dad got it was doing fine then crashed but he was 90 and he was also constantly having urinary tract infections which were causing problems too. he was also ready to die.


my friend, her husband was put on vent. that almost always kills people because it introduces more bacteria into the lungs such as pnuemonia


we can also use HCQ and Ivermectin to kill covid which goes back to that other anon who talked about parasites? so is Covid a parasite? or a virus?

Anonymous ID: 66b07d April 14, 2021, 4:56 p.m. No.13426825   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you know…


Obamacare was put in place. I do not now have any insurance as i cannot afford any but i have notices all over my city which is a medical city, they have built state of the art hospitals EVERYWHERE and in every town and remodelled the older ones non stop since Obama care was enacted. I also noticed that many were empty except for the people on obamacare… but i wonder why they built so many and they were mostly empty and now with covid, and vaccines, it is starting to draw a very ominous picture of their plans….of long ago.