Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 3:44 p.m. No.13426349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6364 >>6409 >>6580 >>6600 >>6658

Feel like dropping some truth.


Viruses are exosomes; they're for "internal signaling" or "waste," not for "external infection of others."


"Viral" infections are exactly as infectious as yawning – we see someone else going through a cleansing process, and decide "yeah now's a good time to do that" just as when we see someone yawn, our body says "perhaps there isn't enough oxygen in the room, I'll grab some more" and yawn ourselves.


"Cytokine storm" sounds like something from X-Men but pretty sure it's: the parasite going through one stage, pushing eggs up from the lungs which the host is supposed to then swallow. Then it gets into the digestive tract. Deaths from the "cytokine storm" are when the egg production in the lungs goes haywire, clogging up the lung's function.


The book "Lab 257" talks about weaponizing parasites; they weaponized ticks on Plum Island, NY thinking they were safe, not knowing that deer swam across the channel. Deer got infected, swam back to LYME, CT – and now we have Lyme disease.


Do we think they ONLY weaponized external parasites? I don't; I think they weaponized many types of both, external AND internal parasites.


The "gain of function" is gaining functions for the parasites, not for some magical "virus". Which I learned in high school biology is "not alive", having only 5 of the 7 characteristics of life.


This anon has had stem cell treatment. The last one, they didn't use the stem cells; they used exosomes from the stem cells. So this anon knows about exosomes, prior to learning that "viruses are exosomes."


There are lies everywhere and perhaps this anon has only scratched away the surface lies, and is seeing even more lies. Want to help, not sure I'm improving… :(

Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 4:22 p.m. No.13426580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6593 >>6677


>>13426349 (You)


>OMG the sheer ignorance in this shit is stunning.


Do you think AIDS is caused by something other than a parasite?


Do you think "cold sores" are caused by something other than a "mostly-dormant" parasite?


Horatio's outlook has some holes in it…


God bless, stop ignoring reality!

Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 4:26 p.m. No.13426609   🗄️.is 🔗kun


thank you, i had 880220 and loved it but couldn't get it again, must have had a captcha as i haven't paid for the super-duper double-secret tier-level.

Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 4:35 p.m. No.13426661   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I will tell you something, if I would have listened to "medical doctors" around 10 years ago, my fucking colon would be gone now.


>But it isn't. It's still there, because I did my own research, but only a few years ago I figured out how ridiculously stupidly programmed these quacks actually are.


Thank you sir.


I listened to them and have many scars to prove it.


Kept my colon though. They really wanted it out of me! Kept sending me for colonoscopies, those alien probers!


I don't know how I know that yawning's mechanism, is the same mechanism for why we get sick in winter-time (or, "low vitamin D time" to be clearer).


However,I know it.


The parasites' eggs causing the "cytokine storm" is something that just came to me, I had read about some other parasite having as part of its cycle, being in the lungs and pushing eggs up which the host then swallows, so the parasite can move into the digestive tract and the next stage of ITS lifecycle.


If one parasite can do it? And if we weaponized ticks? Then, we weaponized an internal parasite that did this, to deliver something else. That's basically QED although I don't have the "evidence" just, y'know, the anecdotal evidence which helped me form my theory, from the data.


Again, thank you.


God bless.

Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 4:42 p.m. No.13426724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798


>so do you think the vax gets rid of the parasite or injects some into body? would the parasite be nanotech?


I think the swabs have nanotech on them and are part of the attack.


I think the vax has the "latest iteration" of their tech, which might stop some of the earlier ones from causing harm?


I remember those Chinese falling over and vomiting blood and dying, a year ago. That may have been an earlier iteration of the vax? Or the swabs?


There's a lot I don't know. Blind men describing an elephant. A few of us have managed to take a peek I think? But just a peek, still don't see the whole picture, which is "everything" i.e., "God wins" and He created all this and He is experiencing all this; I'm just along for the ride.

Anonymous ID: 899c09 April 14, 2021, 5:02 p.m. No.13426875   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>every single one infected embedded and doing the damage


>wtf is to come?


Heaven on Earth, fren.


Romans 10:9 gets us there.


Then when that blows up, "somehow" we get to Second Heaven. Probably a test at the end of Heaven, like there is at the end of life?


From Second Heaven, we "buy tickets"/"make contracts" to visit this realm and have more experiences and lessons. Oh and that's where real outer space is.


That lasts 3 trillion or so more years (unclear; carbon dating gives me the clue) and then we're in Third Heaven. Again, probably a "transition test" otherwise we don't break on through.


In Third Heaven we get to be creators, making "heres", and I think, from the "Second Heaven"-level on down? Then another of us (in Third Heaven) gets to experience it, based on my experience of creating text adventure games and them not being enjoyable for me to play, since I know all the puzzles. Xyzzy is almost a palindrome, just missing an "X" which marks the spot.


Anyway I've mapped that far. Not sure what Fourth Heaven is like. Pretty sure there is one; there are "many" in the pyramid, which has God at the top.


"Infinite"? Perhaps. My goal is to journey through them all, and I do know that life once created is never destroyed – we're on a never-ending journey/story. "To the winch, wench!" :)


Oh, also I've read there are courts in Heaven, so need to figure out why. Maybe there's an "overriding" decision, whether you go up or down; and, if you go up, then you still have to do some sort of penance for your sins?


I want to know it all but then that kinda takes all the fun out of it, so I'm happy to be on this journey. God bless fren and Shadilay!