May 8 2018 18:44:19 (EST) Q mXs
>Today, EVIL lost control / leverage of Iran.
>Today, POTUS took control of Iran.
>Today, w/ pending sanctions and military action(s), POTUS will gain more ammunition / intel against THEM.
>Suicide watch.
Use logic here, Patriots. This is an ongoing war operation. Not everything can be revealed, disinfo is necessary.
Iran was held in check via the 'deal' which was to facilitate nuclear program of iran and raise it to a foil level needed for ww3 (nuclear and conventional) to take place and fulfill (((their))) prophecy in the middle east.
That has been dismantled with disintegration of secret northern syria black hat nuclear facility, and now with withdrawal from the 'deal'.
>The deal kept Iran quiet.
>The goal was to keep POTUS in until impeachment / term end.
>Bigger than people can imagine.
(((they))), israel and roth, cares not they have to wait 4 additional years for this to come to fruition. That plan is now in shambles.
>Treason is 1/10th.
>Ask yourself, why are they panicking?
>Ask yourself, why is UK, France, and >Germany so involved?
>Trips to the WH?
>What are they hiding?
(((they))), the black hat actors within (((EU))) government etc are hiding the above arrangement. They ALL serve ((roth)) and cabal interests and plans. Turned to dust.
>Why is HRC in NZ?
>Is NZ part of 5 Eyes?
>Why is that relevant?
NZ is the cabal bolt hole. Geographically isolated. Has access to 5 eyes to keep an eye on white hat ops (stupid).
>Suicide watch.
Black hats are now desperate. (((israel))) jumping at the guns to attack iranian black hat assets within syria = within calculations. Moving as needed. We know isis = mossad asset.
(((they))) are black hat central #1, ((roth)) pawn. They want syria to fall, than use the world again to strike iranians in iran. All according to black hat script. All for advancement to 'greater israel' and destruction of all rivals in the middle east.
Won't happen.
Enough is enough.
Learn your place, jew. This is America first. You don't like it? Go FUCK OFF.
Bitch made (((shills))) are on the wrong fucking board.
>IRAN was the Keystone for their WWIII Plans
>No Extradition Agreement (?)
NZ has extradition with US. Info given to AUS via 5 eyes -goes to NZ via different means.