Already live on an island. Make it stop. Think I will move to a smaller island to get away from the crazy.
Well firstly death numbers are way inflated. How many of those deaths were from specifically Covid is just a small percentage. Like the other anon mentioned, where are the massive surge of excess deaths in the population? There aren't. Deaths reported as Covid now would have been from flu or pneumonia, etc. before.
Another thing. Covid isn't 'new' per-se. There were six different Covids before this one. 4 of them cause flu, and were already in the wild, and many people already had immunity to those. The Covid test can't determine which Covid you even 'have'. You're talking about a population that started with something like 30-50% immunity already according to Michael Yeadon (the Pfizer researcher). We are no doubt already at the herd immunity stage, the entire thing is ludicrous.
>I'm actually scared. There's absolutely no way to find the truth anymore.
BOOM! Another one wakes up. Welcome to the real world, please proceed to detox.
I find Qwant to be a really good search engine, except I have to set my VPN to USA or France to use it. Its eye opening to to a side by side search using both Duck Duck and Qwant. Qwant feels much more like actual results rather than 'tailored' results.
This efficacy thing is fucking hilarious. Like I want to risk adverse effects of a shot, when my body has a higher effective immunity already. KEK. I'll take the 99%.