What are the stages to reach comfy?
What are the stages to reach comfy?
>… to comfy
Quite a few things clicked in place while listening to sg1… the question came to mind.
Thanks anons, ya'll are great! and funny.
What about ytube suggestions?
Personal experience having a conversation with a friend… 6 hrs later yutube suggests a video regarding it and amazon offers a product.
same tech?
agreed, there are life synchronicities that seem to always come in threes… positive or negative and sometimes lined up or slightly offset. amongst other unique experiences of the observing person.
Ohhh, nice one. Not only sync point in magnitude but "expansion-ally"… better word for that. Thanks for the insight.
Temp, pressure and social exposure, oh that is good.
The Dr. and his two assistants as well.
The cubes, the dr and his assistants and the jolly inspectors.
I see your three threes and raise you Time…
… the 12 inch rule in the shape of a circle.
Most recent for myself…
…week holiday scheduled a year in advance
…datacenter power maintenance shifts holiday (2 months prior notice)
…a contra band moved in upstairs and begins playing late hours (sleep prevention police during datacenter maintenance)
A most beautiful trifecta.