Anonymous ID: 1c0b5b April 15, 2021, 5:51 a.m. No.13430527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549 >>0566 >>0684 >>0720

This guy is full of info


“Ask for the hedge fund filings. Ask on the whereabouts of thecontents of his Villard House office. Then try to get some rest.”

Not so easy as it sounded right?

No, Epstein provided a blackout curtain of silence woven fromimplied terror. And you need state cooperation for that


Anons, did we dig on the contents Of Villard House Office. I don’t remember that in all the digs into Epstein

Anonymous ID: 1c0b5b April 15, 2021, 5:55 a.m. No.13430546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0560


Shit, that’s why I’m getting cremated. So does the DNA live in the plant grown in the composted soil? If so then it’s a way to spread disease through defective DNA.


or turn people into cannabals-kek

Anonymous ID: 1c0b5b April 15, 2021, 6:24 a.m. No.13430684   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Leaked documents show Jeffrey Epstein kept funds offshore. Can the money even be tracked?




Jeffrey Epstein’s attorneys, who were hoping to persuade a judge to release the accused sexual predator on bail while awaiting trial, submitted a bare bones accounting of his financing this week.


Prosecutors — and the judge — were skeptical.


Now, documents obtained by McClatchy and the Miami Herald provide a more detailed — but still very limited — look at Epstein’s wealth. They also underscore the challenge his accusers and the U.S. legal system might face in seeking restitution if he is convicted of the federal sex trafficking charges filed last week.


Documents released without authorization from Swiss banks show that Epstein in February 1997 was ensconced in the offshore banking world, and he appears in other offshore documents, part of an unauthorized release from Appleby, a Bermuda-based law firm specializing in the creation of offshore companies and investment vehicles for the ultra-wealthy. A client bank profile cryptically describes Epstein’s job as “Manager of Fortune.”


These documents also show that from at least 2000 to 2007 Epstein was chairman of a company called Liquid Funding Ltd., which was initially 40 percent owned by the Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns. Bear Stearns’ spectacular collapse and sale to JP Morgan Chase in March 2008 set in motion what months later devolved into the worst U.S. financial crisis since the Great Depression.


Epstein’s wealth became a flash point as his legal team argued that he deserved to gain his release from jail pending trial. Federal prosecutors in New York cited his enormous wealth as adding to the risk he would flee.


The judge Thursday ruled that Epstein must stay locked up.


When asked to document his wealth, lawyers for Epstein told Senior U.S. District Court Judge Richard M. Berman that the answer is complex.


It’s unclear how longEpstein ran Liquid Funding, which tied back to a similarly named company in Delaware, and how much it contributed to the known narrative of Epstein losing big sums during the financial crisis.


But coupled with the fact that many of his businesses were operated in or with help from Caribbean offshore tax havens, the documents raise the likelihood that Epstein’s wealth is spread secretly across the globe. Wealthy people commonly employ opaque offshore companies to mask their true fortunes from tax authorities and creditors, although the companies also have legitimate business and tax-planning uses.


Question: Is this why Bear Stearns had to be the sacrificial lamb on the altar of greed? All the other investment firms hid their ties to Epstein Mossad