Anonymous ID: fd7cbf April 15, 2021, 4:01 a.m. No.13430149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0155 >>0167

huge changes in your world and on your planet since January 2021. After a year of the Covid “lockdowns”, the pressure is still on in the process of Transformation. We know that many of you feel exhausted and just want to move into an easier time. That time will come, but first there is more transformation and change.


You came to the Earth to be a part of this change. Simply to hold the Light and to be aware and awake and filled with love. There is no pressure on anyone at this time to do great deeds! Rather it is your work to connect with your Soul and your Divine Essence and not to be caught up in conflict and aggression.


We tell you Beloveds, there is an easier way to initiate change than through protest and action in the “outer world”, that requires you to drain your energy reserves. It is to connect with the Magical Creativity of the Inner World and manifest your Dreams and Desires.


You are powerful Creative Beings, and you can manifest your Dreams and Visions into Reality. But, first you must make choices and decide what it is that you desire to create?


Are you so comfortable that you have no dreams?


Are you “stuck” in the present reality and unable to imagine another?


Are you caught in conflicts and narratives and opposing views?


Or are you just simply too tired with coping with present reality that you have no energy to give to creating something else?


We can understand how within this chaos and uncertainty, the struggle to survive can be overwhelming and you may be dealing with loss and stress on many levels of your life, as well as collective energies that may impinge on your night time rest and dreams.


But we say to you, dearest ones, that your ability to dream and create and manifest through Dream Magic and Visualisation is the most powerful tool that you have at this time.


If you can dream another Reality and another Future on a higher frequency timeline, then you can create it!


You are Creator and Co-Creator Beings. You were designed “in the image of God” and with the ability to create and co-create. One of the purposes of this human created chaos is to get you tied up in fear and anger and anxiety so that you will forget that you are powerful creators and that you are not enslaved to an economic or political system.

Anonymous ID: fd7cbf April 15, 2021, 4:02 a.m. No.13430155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0167 >>0475





You are Free and Sovereign Beings who have the right to choose and create, and not simply to react to the creations of others.


You can visualise and create “Dream-Spells” which are powerful holographic templates for a New Earth society. As more and more of you create these dreams they begin to coalesce in the Energy Fields and so begin to manifest.


You can use words and create “Word Spells” through mantras, affirmations and decrees that imprint sonic patterns in the energy fields that have the same effect and begin to align energy into creation.


You can sing, dance, paint and create Light Language…all these are magical pursuits that have great power, and in the past were revered as Temple Arts by your ancestors.


And those of you who wish to work with Nature and with the Faerie and Elemental Beings, your time is now!


The Sun is moving towards the 5/5 Taurus Gate, when the part of the Heavens that is illuminated includes Sirius and Orion, but especially the Pleiades. The Pleiades has a long history of working with the Nature programs of Planet Earth, and they worked with the Elohim Angels to seed many of the Plant and Animal species on Earth.


The Pleaidian Council and your Pleidian Family are happy to work with you in your program of Magical Creative Manifestation.


As you transit the 5/5 Portal or Stargate, they will be available to work with you in your dreams and meditations to create the New Earth where Heaven on Earth will be a Reality of Joy and Beauty for you.


In this process you can free yourself of the density of the current Collective Consciousness and rise into the Higher Frequencies of the New Earth.


Some of you have chosen to be in both places to create a bridge for those souls who wish to cross from the 3rd dimensional reality into the Magical New Earth, and we wish you to know that you are loved and supported. We ask also that you take good care of your Physical Being, as these swings between dimensions can be hard on the nervous system. Remember to rest and to hydrate frequently!


Beloveds…we see you dancing in the Light and Creating Miracles!


You know you have the power!


Do not give up, but intensify your Dreams and your Magical Creation of the New Earth!

Anonymous ID: fd7cbf April 15, 2021, 4:25 a.m. No.13430217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0219 >>0338

Dear Ones,


Your new life will be different, but not wrong as you are perhaps beginning to believe. For before your recent hibernation, whether self-imposed or not, you had a regimen of activities that mostly felt right. Now that you are exiting your hibernation site, you are discovering new interests from food selections to interactions with others.


What was is no longer.


An equivalent in nature is the caterpillar exiting its cocoon to discover it is no longer a ground creature.


Who you were is no more. And who you are becoming is still somewhat hazy. Your cocoon stage is starting to irritate a bit. Even though you feel you need to break out of that shell, you have no idea why you wish to, for seemingly not much has changed.


Perhaps you question our reference to a butterfly, for once the butterfly exits its cocoon, it is ready for its new life. Such is not necessarily true for you.


New you is indeed a multifaceted being with new skills and interests. Yet, your physical being is adjusting minute by minute to new thoughts and actions. In a sense, you are evolving from an embryo to adulthood within days or weeks. Even though you might look the same to friends and relatives, your interior is rapidly changing.


Your transition began as a few cells calling you forward to your new being. A new being that has little in common with your original cells. This concept is likely easily understood by those who initiated their transition decades ago but not necessarily so for those who began transitioning a few months ago.


You are a new adult in a new world.


It is time to move to your next phase of flying from your cocoon – or in more human terms, testing your new skills. But you can only achieve such if you follow your interests.


What is interesting to you at this moment – eating, sleeping, resting, jumping, dancing, interacting, creating? Follow your yellow brick road of interests, for that, is the only way you will discover your new skills.


The skills required by you in this lifetime have been practiced in bits and pieces throughout your earth lives. It is as if you have twitched your nose numerous lifetimes for unknown reasons only to discover, similar to the US television show Bewitched, you need that skill to evolve into dimension-hopping or whatever skill pieces are yours. Bits and pieces that are finally making sense even though such was not necessarily true when you first activated them in past lives.


Your personal puzzle pieces fit together, just as is true for the Universal puzzle pieces we described on several occasions. Nothing you experienced before this life was an accident or wrong; it was merely a building block for this time.


It is time to negate any fears, anger, shame, guilt, or angst you created throughout your prior earth lives – for none were accidents or wrong.


Even so, in 3D, you felt a need to punish yourself lifetime after lifetime. Such can be demonstrated by the time and energy required of you in this lifetime to clear those pieces that held you in emotional or physical pain for eons. Your past life slate is clear, not only because this is a new world but also because you completed each action to prepare for this life.


Without each past action, thought, and interaction, you would not be fully prepared for now. Allow yourself to process that for a bit, and then allow yourself to follow your interests minute by minute.


Who are you becoming? Only you know. Whoever that is, it is completely correct for this time. You have worked diligently for eons to be ready to exit your 3D cocoon for this new you of the new earth.


Perhaps you harmed someone in a previous life, and doing so returned them to you in this lifetime. It is no accident that the two of you have found one another. For not only did you complete that interaction during your transition clearing phases, but they have also given you something you require now to complete your Universal puzzle piece.

Anonymous ID: fd7cbf April 15, 2021, 4:25 a.m. No.13430219   🗄️.is 🔗kun




There are no Universal accidents, merely learning experiences that build upon one another. It is similar to having difficulties learning to read in first grade only to receive a Ph.D. in English Literature as an adult. Those first reading difficulties pushed you to not only master reading but to enjoy doing so.


There are no accidents. You have never been bad or mean, no matter what images you discovered in past life regressions.


Those of you awakened or awakening are leveling the playing field from “you are bad and so am I” to “you are my loving sibling, as I am yours.” Anything you or anyone has done before or during this life is to perfect your puzzle piece – whether that be a 3D or beyond 3D piece.


There is no longer good nor bad, merely different. If that difference has little to do with your current interests and energies, you will have little to do with them, for you are on a focused mission.


A mission that has little to do with good or bad – and everything to do with shifting the earth to love with your actions and reactions. So be it. Amen.

Anonymous ID: fd7cbf April 15, 2021, 4:54 a.m. No.13430291   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Message from JFK: We Were Born Free


Good Morning Fellow Americans and the World,


I am the 35th President of United States speaking today to everyone around the world. Right now, it’s time to say no to this global nonsense that has been imposed on everyone for over a year now.


My Dear Americans and Surrounding Nations, how long are you going to tolerate being deprived of simple joys and force to wear this cloth over your face and feel like you are not a person anymore. This Dark Agenda was created by the world controllers, who don’t think that you deserve to have any rights, they only want you to follow their orders like sheep, so far, it has been working and fooling billions of people with their lies and illusions.


Please, remove the veil from your eyes. They are not going to stop, unless you are going to stand up for yourselves as a Collective Consciousness globally and say it‘s enough of the dictatorship and tell them: ‘’We Were Born Free And No One Can’t Take That Away From Us.” If you remember nothing stopped them from assassinating me, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and many others, who fought for your freedom and prosperity.


I am just reminding all of you that you are free and no one can tell you how to live your lives. Right now, the Dark Ones are already “screaming“ with their full voice that a new virus is here, and it’s more deadly then the previous one. Do you understand and see what they are trying to do to you? They are not going to stop until they succeed with their plan of eliminating 90% of the human population and keeping the 10% survivors as slave labor.


This is a real threat to humankind, and it’s not my vivid imagination here. The New World Order plan has been in the works for many years by the Darkness. The controllers put a lot of time and effort for their plan to succeed. They are going to continue to push and push until all of you are going stand together as one and say loudly: “We Are Not Going To Take It Anymore, We Want Our Freedom Back And You Can’t Stop Us!”


Please, understand that this is all about their control and power over Earth and humanity. This planet has been controlled for so long, and now it’s time to liberate yourselves and Mother Gaia. You carry Light in you, and the Darkness can’t win against Light.


Europe is on fire at this moment because they are standing up for themselves and saying: “We Want Our Freedom Back.” People are tired of living under constant restrictions imposed by the ones, who think that they are representing your best interests and know what you need. Please, open your eyes and go deep inside your heart to find out what is not the real truth, because your the one who can determine, what is real and what is not.


My Dear Americans and All the Nations on Earth, the future of this planet is in your hands. You and others have a big responsibility on your shoulders to prevent what took place on similar planets like Mother Earth. What happened there? Life was completely wipe out and the planets are no longer there. They were blown up.


I am here today to warn you and remind you that all of you need to channel your Light within yourself and reunite with others to spread the Light and Freedom to end this global oppression. Unite together as One Voice, One Consciousness and become unstoppable Force of Light for the Freedom of Humanity!


The Father, Prime Creator always reminds us that we are all one – Universal Love and Universal Light. Please, remember you are now and forever will always be the Light and the fountain of never ending Love. My heart and soul are with my Fellows Americans and the World. Thank you.


Love and Blessings