Anonymous ID: b8af8f April 15, 2021, 10:36 a.m. No.13432224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247

The bigger picture


Disclaimer: please if you are going to read this, do so with an open mind. There are many controversial points here many people don’t want to hear. If you are sensitive about things like death and disease, this may not be for you.


Sometimes we get caught up in the details and it’s best to zoom out to gain some perspective.


Viruses and bacteria aren’t the enemy. TPTB are waging war on our vital microorganisms because of a mania driven by fear that has taken hold. Viruses and bacteria have been with us since the dawn of time. They are in fact our ancestors, living on inside us. It is the purest form of symbiosis we know of. They provide essential components of our living system, and are like janitors, cleaning out waste and dying cells. They keep our species healthy as a whole, clearing out organisms that slow the evolution and those lagging in the ever-changing environment, educating us on how best to live. It’s not always pretty, but it is essential.


Death is not something we should be afraid of. We all have to face death. There are things worse than the death of the individual. Like the degradation of the collective species. Or the destruction of the environment, the host. Death is a requirement for life. There is no immortality. It is a false illusion that something can live forever. It sounds harsh but nature is harsh. You get to live and experience this wonderful world but there’s one caveat: you and everyone and everything has to die.


We are heading down a path driven by the fear of death. There is a collective mania, that is causing us harm. We are increasing the stress many fold, rejecting our bodies natural immunity, cutting our species off from the self-regulation of contact, reducing our empathy, ignoring the destruction of the environment for the preservation of the self, sealing ourselves inside our homes, away from nature.


Humans are funny creatures. We will sooner go inside our cells and fiddle with our internal processes, essentially genetically modifying ourselves (modifying the way your RNA works is genetic modification) than meditate to reduce our stress. Or be nice to a stranger, things that take a minute fraction of effort than the former at infinitely less of a cost.


If our so-called “leaders” and “medical experts” were doing their job, and actually wanted us to be healthy, they would be promoting all the affordable and easy things you could do to benefit your health and saving the vaccines as the last line of defence when all else fails. Our natural immunity is heavily suppressed, with the inundation of fear porn, GMO foods, over-sanitation, environmental degradation, micro plastics, domestic chemical warfare, the list goes on.


Instead they are feeding us the message that our natural immunity which has been fine-tuned over millions of years of evolution (there’s the tell, I’m not a right-wing evangelical nut job, just a regular nut job ;) Is total shit and not worth even discussing, that viruses are evil, that corporations should be allowed to destroy our world and that if you think this way that you must be a) right-wing-q-anon-evangelical-white-supremacist-retard or b) hippy-dippy-youtube-educated-Facebook-Karen


I’m all for the amazing advances in science and technology. But I think we are forgetting the technology inside of us and if we do t use it we lose it. If we go the route of gene-therapy to deal with viruses, I predict we will lose all natural immunity and become a very dependent species unable to adapt without the ever-increasing state-medical apparatus to assist in our life processes. Maybe it’s inevitable but I think we have a choice and we are at a crossroads.


Thank-you for listening to my Ted talk.