The focus is the family pic of royal great grandparents & great grandchildren. Look at the colors..mostly, children's dress balance with some dark clan plaids & white. That's not so much out of the ordinary when shooting a family pic..people do that color coordinated dress thing all the time but the lil princess is the only one who stands out in a floral blue dress with red shoes.
*she's also centered between the Queen & Prince Phillip. Can't understand why their feet are grounded with a piece of white carpet. They are ungodly wealthy & the entire background sofa & main carpet are a Tiffany blue so why is that piece of white carpet there? Totally out of place.
Black folk in politics on all levels alway say "Let me be clear…" Just listen when they speak. Barry's School of Marxists
Did I just hear Faux-chi just slip & call it an mrna shot?