Lower case
Have you seen the video of the religious radical vaccine?
George Lucas
Star Wars
It’s Good or evil?
8Kun yousers.
I just picked the most radically Q person who I knew in pol.
Canadians about to get leaf-BTFO.
Experts are calling on the federal and provincial governments to take steps to curb interprovincial and international travel to stop the spread of coronavirus variants of concern.
While the B117 strain is driving much of the third wave in Ontario and elsewhere, the P1 variant, associated with Brazil, is surging in B.C. and spreading in Alberta and Ontario.
The BC Centre for Disease Control said there have been 1,510 cases of P1 identified in the province, 555 of those cases since April 9, and modelling shows it could be out of control in the province by the end of April. In Alberta, the P1 numbers are still small, with 138 cases of P1 identified, but officials warn it could spread quickly.