I sure am glad the Billy Gates woke crew finally got around to creating that new wrongthink permanent autofilter feature.
Now I'll be able to quit QR for my own good.
Not during Night Shift tho - will install after Swordy Shift tomorrow.
I sure am glad the Billy Gates woke crew finally got around to creating that new wrongthink permanent autofilter feature.
Now I'll be able to quit QR for my own good.
Not during Night Shift tho - will install after Swordy Shift tomorrow.
Is anybody else purposely avoiding paging down to the very bottom in order to avoid the teeth?
I reject all forms of censorship that you are espousing here.
Besides the teeth are kinda growing on me now.
Fair question.
They have always been endorsements but one of the big white lies of QR is they must be presented as if they aren't.
She would have been Melanie 9 out of 10 times had she been born in the USA.
If the news must be F&G then the guys at Real Raw News are doing it right.