Not happening. Have you noticed something? When we in America were the "greatest" (or whatever) our soldiers were sent everywhere and we spent a "cotillion" dollars being the world's "policeman". Our land and environment were irresponsibly developed in some cases and we got to be the "guinea pigs" for every new product, vaccine, or other noxious "invention" the "elites" wanted to push. Its OVER now!
What will China look like in a few years? Absent a wonderful move of God, their land will be a dystopian hellscape of polluted bodies of water, massive (crumbling?) sky scraping apartment blocks, etc.
I had a moment of realization that I truly don't care to be on the bleeding edge of societal "evolution".
If the Chinese people are smart (we can hope) they will ditch the "lets be the global superpower" ego trip from hell. It doesn't make a country great it makes it a "host" for the worst parasites imaginable. Just as America has discovered.
Pray for America and China.