Real raw news is fucking fan fiction bullshit.
If baker notables this crap, I will personally shit down his anime loving throat and stuff mr pig in as well there for good measure.
Real raw news is fucking fan fiction bullshit.
If baker notables this crap, I will personally shit down his anime loving throat and stuff mr pig in as well there for good measure.
>>>13434142 John Brennan Sent to GITMO
Fuck off with this fake bullshit in notables, filthy anti freedom loving cocksucking trannyfag!
You expect you fake patriot faggots can take control of a patriot board and expect patriots to remain silent while you piss on them and tell it's raining?
DIAF you filthy traitorous scum!
Don't forget shoving Mr pig fucker down there as well.
We had Killary executed from them yesterday and had this animefag discord tranny been baker, you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been in notables as well.
I switched id's for one post in the middle of this bread and then back to original id.
That's a first this anon who has a static ip and dares to post naked and raw with no VPN..
>What did I post?
A load of unsauced bollocks.
Post some sauce and I'll eat humble pie.
It's my understanding that North Korea was freed.
Show me proof that it hasn't been.
It makes notables here