fish rot from both ends.
just because you know it, do you not see, makes it wrong.
why should ı¿
if ı were being cryptic, ı would not be here.
and ı have been correcting [you].
<you just don't like it.
you fail a litmus, you fail a litmus.
<you should not feel bad because you do not understand… you are a tool, too.
ı have said it, deaf.
there is only God.
there is no freewill.
you are a template of a possibility, from a human perspective.
this is all over.
Jesus is Coming, and He Brings Dissolution in His Wake.
<what part do you not get, speshul¿
the cern effect is as wide ranging as it is pithy.
the thinner it gets
the wielder it'll get.
them, indeed.
you think you have such a capacity?
what dreams may come…
as for altering behaviours…
you would not even be were it not for ı.
<rent frei
such vaunted intelligence… cannot even recognize the simplest of patterns.
am ı wot
chaos is home to life, too.