Hole apparently took his own life before they got there…..so, another fake patsy….and Sikhs are not of mongoloid genetics; they just live in Asia….they ARE NOT asian…..they are caucasoid
aka….narrative plant
probably the operative that actually did it, but he was supposedly eating a soy sammich while it went down…..uh, yea, sure, whatever
doesn't need the open anymore…just needs the phone now
everything was declassified already ; no one cared and it was buried
like dis?
oh, so that is why his gums have been flapping lately??….i thought maybe he was off the sauce, or something. and wrote a book or had a podcast, no? what a dick
you should! queef….that shit cracks me up
they also figure out a long time ago that they do not want their young sons ground up in Englisher wars, so they take the pacifist label; go try and steal their horse and see how Pass-a-Fist they are; they'll tie you up and leave you in the woods naked, and laugh the whole time
yer wun ov dem masochists, aintcha?
they will be the last of the "white" people
after the soviets folded up shop one would think things would have changed; maybe Castro has dirt on someone like the Bushes ?
we got a Hole picture yet?
> “HonORablE”
did you get called "sweaty" too?
All the different letters are going to consume each other and the homosexuals will be the only ones left standing
the problem is that the fact do not matter anymore…whether race, gender, etc….what matters is what their peers are saying on the internet, TV, etc
> lefties say 'sweetie'.
they so do….it must be some insult between themselves (i see the damned auto-wong changed my original to "sweaty", as in perspiration….it has been very active lately, changing perfectly fine grammar and spelling into gibberish )
well, then he probably watches too much "cabal" TV?
if i can't get real Parm cheese, how the fuck am I going to make Alfredo sauce?
your sativa real good, no?
does the sativa make you insane? kek!