Bribing, Incentivizing, and Threatening Termination Over Covid Vaccines: Is It Legal?
The question of the day: is it legal for companies and universities to be bribing, incentivizing, and downright threatening termination if someone doesn’t get the Covid-19 vaccine? Pushing the envelope doesn’t even begin to portray how these bought and paid for agencies are undermining our constitutional rights, skirting the law, and passing the buck to big corp.
First, the Covid vaccines weren’t going to be mandatory. In fact, they are not even approved or licensed by the FDA, and are technically “investigational” with an emergency use authorization (EUA). Not only are they forcing these experimental vaccines on students, employees, and civilians if they want to keep their job or be a part of society, they are bribing and incentivizing you to get one. Step right up for your free vaccine and get a free sugary donut, $100 gift card, paid time off work, tickets to an NBA game, or enter a raffle to win cash prizes, and by the way… if you don’t get one by July 1st, you are fired!
Getting to The Bottom of It
This is the nutshell version of this mixed soup they have created, with the more detailed and critical information documented below. This breaks down who has the authority to do what, and what laws are in place or not in place. This entire report is a must read, plus there are tips on what you can do at the end.
• The federal government cannot mandate these vaccines.
• The court has never ruled on the federal government’s authority to mandate a vaccine. The only law in place is that the federal government has the ability to mandate vaccines to members of the military.
• No state has mandated a Covid vaccine to date, but some are considering legislation that would prohibit employers from mandating vaccination. All states have the ability to prohibit vaccine mandates as a condition of employment. Here is a full list of the status of legislation in each state, as of March 5, 2021. Some of these might surprise you – a lot of states are fighting to prohibit it. Be sure to review the details of the bills and make sure it’s not limited to an EUA vaccine. Contact your legislatures and stay on top of it.
• Whereby states have mandated vaccines in schools in the past, they have not mandated vaccines for adults, with exception of the healthcare industry, nor have any states mandated the Covid-19 vaccination thus far, yet some schools and universities are taking it upon themselves to mandate it.
• Dr. Amanda Cohn, Executive Secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices who has been with the CDC for 16 years, reminded everyone that “under an EUA, vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. Therefore, early in the vaccination phase individuals will have to be consented and cannot be mandated to be vaccinated.”
• The EUA was created after September 11, and there has never been a legislative action to make EUAs mandatory. Only licensed vaccines have been made mandatory by legislation.
• Some employers are mandating Covid vaccinations, despite the fact these are not approved or licensed by the FDA, and are EUAs. Therefore, states need to take charge, people need to step up, and lawyers need to get involved.
• Despite all of this, the CDC has created an entire playbook for companies to be “vaccine champions,” instructing them on how to incentivize their employees and do vaccinations right in the workspace where everyone may be able to see who is getting vaccinated and who isn’t, potentially breaking HIPAA privacy laws. They include that an employer should implement stickers, posters, and signs everywhere, along with emails and confidence building to really hammer the message home. They even created a toolkit! Whereas, further down, they do mention providing employees with information on side effects, they do not state the FDA’s requirement (see below) on these EUAs. Instead, they have an entirely separate page that is not linked to the playbook. The CDC states that “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not mandate vaccination. However, whether a state, local government, or employer, for example, may require or mandate COVID-19 vaccination is a matter of state or other applicable law.” (There is no other “applicable law.”)