Anons I had something occur to me today. There was an advert on the radio today saying that those that were vaccinated can now give blood…does this mean if an unvaccinated person needed blood they would be given the tainted blood?
What the FUCK
Anons I had something occur to me today. There was an advert on the radio today saying that those that were vaccinated can now give blood…does this mean if an unvaccinated person needed blood they would be given the tainted blood?
What the FUCK
Hey Baker what do you think about Ivanka getting the vax?
So you think she actually did it then?
Yeah, why wouldn't I be? Would you be saying the same thing if you saw Trump getting it?
On the subject of vaccines, I wonder how many soon-to-be mothers are going to lose their children. This is like some sort of giant evil child sacrifice. It makes me sick
My advice? Smoke lots of weed. Helps with the guilt
I don't have depressing. Nor will I ever kill myself. Ever. I'd even put that in fucking writing and sign my name
"Don't have depressing"? I might have a case of the stupids though
I was reading this last night
It's even harder now but that's what weed is for kek
Literally NEVER EVER you dumb fucking cunt
Ignore them and answer my question
>Are you always this pathetic?
Yes. And weak. It's why I can ask the hard question. It's why I can be strong. Do you see me attempting to call you out? Do you see me attempting to call Q out?
I thought you were strong. If you can't answer my question, I worry more for you than myself
The dumb cunt that can't listen when I say I would never kill myself.
I literally never will KEK